13 SEPTEMBER 1890, Page 1


THE news from Armenia is becoming exceedingly grave,

graver even than the Daily News makes it out to be. The Xoords, whose natural leaders have just "escaped" from 'Constantinople, are becoming more aggressive, and in every district the Armenians, panic-stricken, are talking of self- defence, and eagerly asking aid from their compatriots in Russia, who are sending arms and trying to rouse opinion. The Porte, dreading an outbreak, is quietly arming the Mussulmans, and any untoward incident produced by Armenian exasperation may result in a series of massacres. If that happens, nothing will hold the Russians in, and the Czar must act, or see all South Russia in a ferment of disapproval. The sultan partly sees this, and is sending a Commission to ." reform" everything; but the Pashas will see that the Com- missioners only write, and, indeed, true reforms are impossible. The Empire has not the strength to take the first necessary step, which is to reduce the Koords by military force into obedient subjects. There is not the energy in the Seraglio for that, nor could sufficient troops be readily withdrawn from ' Macedonia. The Treasury has no spare money for any purpose -whatever.