12 SEPTEMBER 1930, Page 2

Concentration in British Shipbuilding The dismantling of the yard of

Messrs. William Beard- more at Dalmuir is an example of the bold manner in which the painful process of cutting losses is being con- ducted by National Shipbuilders' Security, Ltd. This company, which represents all the great shipbuilding yards, was created • to Rationalize the industry. The hard-hit shipbuilders, who are receiving few orders nowa- days for the modern large type of cargo vessel and still fewer orders for the Navy, have never complained, but have characteristically backed themselves against all odds to make the best of a bad job. Protective tariffs could do nothing for them, and their courage is the perfeei product of their circumstances. During the War there was no more important.yard than that of Messrs. Beard- more, but to-day it is redundant. National Shipbuilders Security, Ltd., bought it and are "closing it down" as an essential part of the plan for the more scientific distri- bution—in other words the concentration—of production.