The ' Egypt ' The progress of deep-sea diving is
finely illustrated by the feat of Signor Gianni and his helpers in finding the wreck of the P. & 0. ship 'Egypt,' which has been lying at the bottom of the sea off Ushant since 1922, and in bringing to the surface various parts of the ship. ' A very few years ago salvage work at such a depth would have been considered quite out of the question. Now there seems to be a reasonable hope that next year the salvagers will be able, as the special correspondent of the Times tells us, to cut out bodily from the ship and bring to the surface the bullion room which contains more than a million sterling. Such a triumph would turn attention to other wrecks which contain treasure. This kind of search would be much more reasonable and profitable than the pursuit of fabulous Spanish galleons. The London correspondent of the Manchester Guardian says that the 'Lusitania' off the Irish Coast, and the 'Persia' and the `Arabic' in the Mediterranean, are already suggested for operations.