Parliamentary Notes
From our Parliamentary Correspondent: If Parliament is able to meet next Tuesday there will be a debate on the announcement, made by Mr. Ramsbotham, President of the Board of Education, relating to physical training and youth. On August 22nd, the last day before the House of Commons adjourned for the recess, the President told the House that he had set up "a small directorate," consisting of Major S. J. Parker, late staff inspector of physical training, Miss Colson, the energetic and able Secretary of the Central Council of Recreative and Physical Training, and an officer seconded from the War Office, together with an officer of the Board specially delegated for the work. He made it clear that the only novel feature was the strengthening of the movement on the physical training side, that there was no intention of ignoring the wider interests of youth, and that full co-operation would be secured with voluntary organisations and local education authorities.