Keeping faith with Europe
Sir: In your front-page editorial (6 September) you make a plea that we should do all we can to bolster Czech resistance.
The point is, what can the 'ordinary person' —the 'member of the British public'—do about it? I was sickened at the treatment meted out to the Czech leaders and appalled that so few voices were raised in official protest, but what can I, personally, do about it? I can always write letters of protest, I suppose, but I have doubts about the effectiveness of this. I could tackle my local member of Parliament, hold a vigil outside No. 10, or join a protest march, but again, how effective are these actions?
When I consider the non-action of the United Nations, the silence of the United States and the futile protests of my own Parliament I have a feeling of outraged helplessness and hopelessness but again, what can I do?