Crossword no.1343
Across 1 How can you countenance such treatment? (6) 4 What's Alec doing under the blow? (8) 10 Like those who hanged their harps upon the willows (7) 11 One short of an XI at High Table, but they're tough! (7) 12 Stop a cruel change for the investor (10) 13 Good accommodation for archaeologists (4) 15 'All in the pleasant —, the pleasant light of day' (Stevenson) (4, 3) 17 The beat of a hovercraft abroad (7)
19 Ten men and I make an appearance in select Victorian company (7) 21 What's in a name? (7)
23 Warning for potholers (4) 24 Easy to take, like a herbal remedy perhaps (10) 27 Jack has to find the solution, so excuse (7) 28 'The — flower that blews' (Wordsworth) (7) 29 Cut off the hair? What misery (8) 30 Girls to keep the hawks in order! (6) Down 1 Material popular with the poor sculptor (9) 2 Screened by Maugham (7) 3 Claud and I are upset over a missed date; what a drop! (10) 5 Hotel on the Warsaw Underground? (9) 6 'Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling Your —?' (Lear) (4) 7 Hardy subjects were life's little ones (7) 8 One opens one's mouth to emit words and yet more words! (5) 9 You'll get no change out of her, or will you? (4) 14 Take yourself off, I'm with a chum, strictly legal (10) 16 Servants' emoluments (9) 18 It's no date for getting neutralisers (9) 20 What the besieging army does so dressed? (7) 22 Poor little rich girl from Washington Square (7) 23 Where they burnt the greens? (5) 25 'Vain — and glory of the world, I hate ye' (Henry VIII)
(4) 26 A household god
with wings (4) • Solution next week Solution to Crossword no. 1342. Across: 1 Sparrows 5 Skates 9 Charming 10 Ferret 12 Leitrim 13 Talkies 14 Merry-go-round 17 Will o' the wisp 22 Elysian 22 Israeli 24 Isatin 25 Spinster 26 Grease 27 Freshers. Down: 1 Sickle 2 Arabia 3 Remorse 4 Wine merchant 6 Kneller 7 Ter- minus 8 Set aside 11 Stage whisper 15 Sweeting 16 Playmate 18 Origins 19 Springs 20 Pestle 21 Tigris.