We miss you, Jeff
Sir: I feel I must write to express my great sadness at hearing the news of the death of Jeffrey Bernard. He will be much missed, not only by me, but I imagine by thousands of other readers of The Spectator who used to look forward each week to his very funny articles. He had a very personal style and way of looking at the world that I found irresistible. His courage, especially towards the end when his long illness must have been hard to bear, to be able to turn the very painful and dreary days' doings into an amusing article to entertain The Spectator's readers was, to my mind, hero- ic.
On the day when they buried the Princess of Wales, and the death of Moth- er Teresa was announced, I should hate Jeffrey Bernard's death to go unremarked. To my mind one of the very good reasons for buying The Spectator each week has gone! May he rest in peace.
Jennifer Aldington
18 York Road, Walmer, Nr Deal, Kent