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A meeting of Liberals r,.sident in the borough of Alarylehone was held on Tuesday evi :deg, fur the purpose of establishing a " Reform and Registry Association." The main object was to effect a union ef Liberals to prevent the suceess of the Tories at the next election:: but Mr. NelaJ es, who secuatled the principal resolution, did not greatly contribute to the :•1111.TSS Of the project, when lie deelered that bc " could not agree in joining band in hand with the i mi ty who had c.u.iset... the disaster which Lad befallen them, and who extil:cd ii, having sent Tory to Parliament to misrepresent them." It is •Arc';'.y certain that er. Tory will continue to " misrepresent" Afitryleboue, if the Ratlivai minority are to be exasperated by such speeches as these. Dr. Curpue, au older and a better politic:an, said they had been " disgraced," but it behoved them to extend the hand oi fellowship to all.
There is to be a grand procession of the Metropolitan Trades on Monday, in honour of the return of the use Dorchester labourers from transportation. The procession is to leave Kennington Common be- tweet' eight and nine o'clock—a rocket to be thrown up as a signal; the Dorchester labourers in an open landau drawn by four horses with postillions. There are to be bands of music, banners, favors, &e. with persons appointed to preserve order.
On Wed:lir:day moritiog, a great number of the unfortunate silk- weavers of Spitalfields, who have lately been mainly supported out or; the Adelaide Fund, which is now discontinued, paradeu the City and West end of the town, in bodies of about twenty, carrying placank with the following inscriptions : "The Adelaide Fund stopped—thou-
sands out of employ, and their families starving." " Spitalfiekls Weavers, starved out through foreign competition," tke.— Times- L"No Corn-laws" would have been a more sensible motto.]