Clir Court.
Tut: Queen, accompanied7by the Duteltess of K' 'it, Baroness Lebzeu, Loud Falkland, Colonel Welnyss, Miss Cavendish, and Mr. Rids, took a lung ride oil horseback on Monday, in the neighbourhood of Brixton. Her Majesty was out, riding all the thaw, for about three hours. In the evening, there was a at the Palace; com- prising Lord 3Ielhourne, Lord Murpeth, Lord and Lady Sydney, and Lady Caroline Bitt ington.
A Privy Council was held at the Palace on Tuesday ; when a pro- clamation, dispensing with certain parts of the coronation cereinonye was ordered. Lord Melbourne and the Earl of Sorry dined with the Queen iii the evening..
On Wednesday atternoon, her Majesty, with the Datchess of Kent and Lady Portman, left Buckinghatn Palace for Wititlsor Castle, in
an open carri”ge, escorted by a party of Luncers. 'Iwo carriages foi-
lowed, with Barotte,s Lelia...It, Lady Mary Stopford, Miss Cavendish, Miss Lister, and Colonel Wemyss. Before her departure, the Queei:. gave audience to Lord Alelbourne. The Royal party reached Witulsoc soon after five o'clock. On Thursduy afternoon, the Queen rode on horseback in the Gs eat Park.
The [loyal alms, called Maunday, were distributed at Whitehall, out Thursday, to a :mother of persons equal to the yeats of the Queen's age. 'lime poor amh ngell persons exceeding that number, who were upon the Royal humidity lists of B'illitun the Fourth, have been placed on supormimeraly lists, to fall into vacancies as they occur, and will contiotte to receive the Royal charity during their lives.