On the Elth inst., the Countess of GUILDFORD, or a daughter. On the 701 inst., at the Craig, llownees, Windermere, the Lady of Sir THOMAS SABINE PASLRY, liart., or a SOIL On the fith inst., at Duustable Villa, Richmond, the Right Don. Lally LOUTH, of
a sou.
On the7th inst., in et. James's Place, the lion. Mrs. Serwern, of a daughter. On the 341 inst., at Egham. the Lady of the 11ev..1. 0. W. If A W RI 5, or
On the Sit, inst • hi neuter Street, Brunswick Square, the Lady of the lion. R. V. Powys, of a son.
On the 7th inst., at the vicarage. Cawthorn., near Barnsley, York, the La.!y of the Rev. A. M. PARKINSON, Of On the 6th inst., at Dundee, Mrs. Alms, Seamy, of a son.
On the 8th lust., in the Cathedral Church, Kitkuuttv. Joon Wystsr, Esq.. of II 'wood, in the could y of :digt,, to Lady A exit Be rl.F.11, second duaghter of the Nlarquis of Ormoutle.
On the 2911, January, in Munich, at the Catholic chapel, and anent ante at the house of the British Charge it' A ffaires, COSTUN ['HMO:RICK, Bareti tue Tearreitte0 s. Chant. berlain to his Majesty the King of But aria, to J sm INA MONTI/on/HIV, eldest daughter alJunies Montgotnery. Esq. On the 8th, inst., 0 et Lorenn Onimow, Esq., sun of the Ben. Colonel Ouslow, of Alresforti Hants, to ROSA ANNA, daughter of General Onslow, of Stoughton Must-, Huntingdonshire.
On the 5all inst., at Cherie. Church, Plymouth, Bum% thirl daughter of Captain
Sir J. J. Gordon lil cuter, R.N., of Compton. Devon, r0 ALVRLD lloW•RD, , or Melbury Terrace, Dorset Square. On the 3d just., at Ltiuiluigtou. the Rev. .losnos. K ma, Rector of Woodelturch. Cheshire., and of Bethnal Green, Mitialesex, to II AM I tune tiF:ORril ANA, youngeet daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Aiding. Rector of Milbrooke, Bedford:0dr... Ou the 4th inst., at Weymouth, the Rev. Giroaos CAisAR HAWKINS, Vicar of Mule*, Devon, *won't sun of Sir John Crosier Ilawkins, Bart., to ELEANOR, eldest daughter of George Villiers Villiers, Est; ,hate of the Royal Illor.e Guards. On the 5111 inst.. at Kirkstell. the Bev. JOHN BOWERS, of Southwark, IO ELEANOR, daughter of James II argreave, Esq., of Burley, near L.vels. Ou the 10th, inst., at Kensington, TRONA, WILXIIS, Esq., of Viearage Place. to Maameawr, daughter or none, t Forbes, Esq, of Kensington.
On the 9111 inst., at Richmond, MARY Dutchess Dowager of Itoxamicwis, who was married first to William. fourth Duke of lioxburghe, and secondly to tile late Bun. John Tollemache. !wetted son of Louisa, Countess of Dysert. At Paris, the Princess Dowager of NASSAU SA•RBRUCK, daughter of the Prince de 114 ontbarry. Minister of War to Louis the Sixteenth, and idow of the last Prince of Nassau Snarbruck, in her 79th year. On the 6th inst.. in Upper Baker Street, in his 59th year, the Rev. G SOROS WHEELER, M.A., 25 years Citrate of Shipton Moyne. Gloucester. On the 10th inst., Josiput CII1T?T junior, Esq., Special Pleader, of the !diddle Temple, and of Bedford Place, Russell Sqttare. On the 10th hilt., at Searles, the residence of her brother, Miss JANE ELIZABETH WILSON, the eldest daughter of the late and sister of the present Sir lluotuuas Maryon Wilson. Bart., in her 37th year.
Oa the 4th inst • at Itaker Street, after a severe and protracted illness, Captain 78th Highlanders.
On the 4th inst., at liaughton Hall. Shropshire, Emmen PLOWDEN, Esq., of Plowden. In that county, anti of Aston, Northamptoushire, in Ids 824 year. Al Purls, FRANCOIS its BOY'S', formerly Archbishop of Toulouse, in his 94th year. At Louth, LLLX11 MATIIIWIL hiker 102 year.