The Consol Itiarket has improved about A per cent. ; the price having reached 901 on Tuesday, when the settlement of the Account caused a great demand for Stock. The price declined about per cent. yesterdiv, but las rallied again to-day to the highest quotation. Reduced Three per Cents. have risen in the same degree as Consuls ; but the Three-and-a-Half per Cent. Stocks have nut improved more than A per cent. India Ste ek is 2 per cent. higher ; having been done toalay at 2684 and 269A. India Bunds have been 73 prem., but are to-day: 71. Exchequer Bills were 69 prem., and are to-day 67 rein. Bank Stock is lower, and is to-day 205 to 2013.
A notice has been issued from the National Debt Office, stating that as the expenditure has exceeded the income for the year, there wilLnot be any suns of money expended en the reduction of the National Debt during the current quarter.
In the Foreign Market, the business transacted has been chiefly confined to Dutch and Spanish Stock. The former was in consider:11de demand in the early part of the week ; and both the Five per Cents. and Two-and.a-llalf per Cents. rose per cent., a general disposition to pinches° having been evinced
by the public. To-ilay, however, the market has assumed it very different appearance ; and has been driven down, chiefly by speculative sales, about
A per cent. The operations to-day ate traceab"e to the recent debate in the French Chambers, where the Minister joi..tifieti hi, proposition for the increase of the Army, by the necessity which might occur (luring the year of makings demonstration against Holland. The Spanish Stock has been depreioal no account of the fall which it has experienced in Pal is, where the price has de- clined from 23i to 21; and this fall has been occasioned by the withdrawal of M. AG UA no from the negotiation for a new louts. The price of the stock an Monday wits 2lj, and has since fallen to 20A, anti closes this afternoon at 201 Some very considerable purchases have been made daily by the same party; but in the face of them the market has continued to decline.
The Northern Continental Stocks are firm at a slight improvement once last prices.
The South American Securities are steady, with little doing. Brazilian Bonds have given way about per cent. : it appears by intelligence received from Bahia, that the rebels still held possession of the city, and had succeeded in obtaining a supply of provisions. The scarcity of stock, however, has prevented any extensive decline.
The Railway Shares are generally at our last prices; very few transactions of moment having occurred in them. The contemplated sale of two thousand
Croydon Scrip Shares, of which notice was given for to- day, has been alma.
(loner', as, if they had been sold in the manner proposed, the vender would be liable to the auction-duty. A large number of these Shares has, however, been disposed of by private contract, without at all affecting the market; the present price of the new Shares being 4 prem., while that of the old is 18/. per Shale. SATURDAY, TWELVE &eta& The English Stock Market is rather heavier this mornieg ; Consols for Account being barely buyers at 9311. We are without any quotation for Money, but the nominal price is 93/1 A. Exchequer Bills are marked 67. No quota- tion of India Stock or Bonds, or of Bank Stock. In the Foreign Market, Brazilian are rather heavier, and Spanish Stock A higher than on Thursday. The Railway Shares are without material variation—Loudon and Birmingham 88 90 prem. ; New Ditto 27 prem. ; Greenwich 3i dis. ; Southatupton3 die.; Great Western 28 29 prem. 3 per Cent. Consols 934 4 Brazilian 5 per Cents 754 64 Ditto for Account 9:44 Danish 744 3 per Cent. Reduced 921 ' Dutch 24 per Cents 54f
New 34 per Cent. Antis 1011 4 Portuguese Regeucy 5 p,Cts. 304 Batik Stuck -- Ditto 3 per Cent. .... 204 I IndiaStoek — Russian (182215 per Ceitt ... III 4
Ditto BOWLS 70 72 Spititish (1831) 5 per Cent... DI 1
Exchequer Bills 67 69 Defeired Stock il I Belgian 5 per Cents 103t I Passive Ditto -1I I