The Earl of Gosford has been received with marked attention
by the municipal authorities in New York.
An inquiry has been made into the conduct of the Phoenix Bank, one of the principal banks in New York ; which has disclosed a series of usurious and irregular transactions, inconsistent with its charter.
The following description of a pestilence prevalent among the North American Indians is from a letter of the Morning Chronicle's corre- spondent, who writes from Philadelphia- " This mortal plague is said to be precisely the same as the Black Death which raged so fatally in England and in Europe some five or six eentu. ries ago. It attacks the head and loins suddenly, and with dreadful pain ; and in about two hours the victim falls a corpse. The body then swells emir- xnously, and turns instantly black. You will form some idea of the fearful pro. greets and havoc of death on the Prairies, when I tell you that within a few weeks more than 33,00 savages died. Of a lodge of 1,600 Mandans (a noble tribe) only 35 remained alive : 10,600 Assineboins have died; and deserted wigwams, newly-niade mounds, or putrifying corpses, attended only by the croaking raven and the screaming eagle, mark the mournful desolation of the Indian forests and prairies. The Crows and Blackfeet, so eloquently tlesct Nei in Irving's "Astoria" and" Rocky Mountains," have Staled Ilreadfully ; and more than one of the smaller tribes have been suinnioned, man, w an, and papoose, to the tribunal of Manitoulin, the Great Spirit, not one remaining to tell that they were once a nation of warriors ! The disease is supposed to have originated from small-pox amongst the traders, and from them to have been communicated to the lotions, where it soon appeared in the aggravated form of the Black Death."