During the week the relations between Austria and Prussia have
become still more bitter. It is even reported that Austria has demanded the de-mobilization of the Prussian army, that Prussia has refused, and has on her side declared that she considers Austrian armaments directed against herself. It is more certain that on the 9th mat. Coant von Bismark stequested the Diet to consider a proposal for the election by univeractl siffragent a Gar- man Parliament, with power to arrange with.the different Govetn- ments a reform of the Confederation. The reason assign ssel is tha. necessity of greater speed in military organization to meet the "menacing preparations of Austria," or any other danger,—the real reason, a determination to divide Germany into two, with Prussia as commandant of the northern half and Bavaria of the southern. The Austrian Government has met this proposal in the Diet by a demand for the admission of all her States, and at home by pressing on warlike preparations.