The British Quarterl, Review. April. (Jackson, Walford, and Hodder.)—Oar Dissenting
friends are well catered for just noW. We have before us organs of the elder Churches and of those who have got beyond church systems altogether, and we are clearly of opinion that the British Quarterly carries off the palm both in the choice of anbjects and in the ability of treatment: Its readers are provided both with beef and pudding, the former in the articles on "Anglicanism and Romanism " and "Bradshaw," and the latter in the pleasant criticism of "Praed" and the chat about "Club Life." In a very discriminative notice of the Eirenicon the writer ingeniously uses Dr. Pasey as evidence against the Churches both of England and Rome, but without bitterness, and not at all in the tone that one expects from such a quarter. He points oat that just as the Anglican section have advanced towards Rome, the dominant party in the Roman Church have gone far ahead, and that there is in consequence little hope of a union of the Churches, which would also be eminently undesirable from the point of view of human liberty. At the same time he thinks that Anglicanism is on the increase at home, that it has gained by the recent concession in subscription, which leaves the language of the Prayer Book untouched, but gives a wider latitude in the interpretation of the Articles. But after all there is a true "unity of Christendom," and it may be recognized in the feelings which gave rise to the Holy Living and Dying of Jeremy Taylor, De Imitatione of A Kempis, the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius, and the Rise and Progress of Doddridge. In addition to the articles we have mentioned, there is also a paper on the "Ecclesiastical Crisis in the Reformed Church of France," which contains a good deal of information, though loosely and carelessly put together. It may tend to comfort folks at home who are so terrified at the phenomenon of the Bishop of Natal.