The Royal Engineers' Journal. (Hugh Rees. 58.) The Institution of
Royal Engineers, which has recently received a Royal Charter, has decided to convert its old- established Journal into a quarterly. The first number of the new issue justifies the change, for the editors now have plenty of space and can deal more adequately with the varied mterests of the Corps. The technical articles include a sug- gestive paper on " Modern Road Engineering " by Mr. H. P. Boulnois and a paper on " Cross-country Tractors " by Major Martel. From the military standpoint Captain Gaussen's essay on " The Necessity for Engineer Intelligence to Engineer Commanders in War " is of value. He mentions that in August, 1914, the German Third Army might have outflanked the French Fifth Army if it could have crossed the Meuse at Fumay. Fortunately for the French, the German engineers had not brought up their pontoons to replace the broken bridges and a great opportunity was lost.