M. Poincare evidently means to face the elections■ which will
take place on Sunday, April 22nd, simply oft the strength. of his wonderful record of financial recon- struction. He makes no definite offer of social measures,. Such haS been the sense of his recent important speeches; He reminds his countrymen that his methods have doubled the Value of the franc, which stood at the desperate pink. Of. 240 when -hel became Prime Minister. When the country was was thankful enough to be cured. by, M. Poincare, but now that it is convalescent the taitel, -is recovering its self-confidence and putting forWard again its socializing programme. It talks as; thàugh M: Poincare might now quite safely be dislodged'. But Would it be safe to do that ? The risk s.eema to be very * • *