Mi. Louis Emmerson won - smashing- victory over Governor Len Small, -- arid
Mr: Glenn 'disposed of Mr: Frank Smith by a decisive majority. All the candidates chosen in these elections will present themselves. in November when the Federal, State and Municipal posts; will:be filled. Mr. ThomPson7s own office Of May4 Was; not involved, but he was acanclidate for a small office; as Ward Committeeman, and was rejected. in the Very house of h& friends Mr Hobert E. Crowe, Who an Prosecuting Attarney has been Mr,' Thompson's chief lieutenant, was eclipsed. On Tuesday a most audacious assassination was committed in 'full daylight .Mr:, Octavius Granada, a negro lawyer, who belonged to the Deneen faction, Was 'driving through the streets in al e:ar decorated anti-Thompson posters when another ear followed his, and the occupants of it :began .firing. Mr. Granada and his companions, who, Were unarineelb tried to escape, but unfortunately they collided with; the kerb and were brought to a standstill. The pursuere car then passed them and fired a broadside. Mr. Granada was killed at once, and another negro. wan seriously wounded.