14 APRIL 1928, Page 1

News of the Week rrith vast majority of the Republicans of

Chicage ave sternly mobilized themselves to sweep -.away the corrupt, grotesque and demagogic administration that has ruled their city for eight years and 'has brought undeserved discredit upon the whole Middle West. They have succeeded. They will no longer allow it to be said that the noble front of the city that faces Lake Michigan is a facade to screen all kinds of folly and wickedness. The primary, elections were carried out to the accompaniment of rioting, bombing, cudgelling, kidnapping and assassina- tion. There was no Contest among the Democrats ; all the tumult was caused by the rivalry of the two Repub- lican factions led by Mr. Thompson (the notorious Mayor known as "Big Bill ") and Senator Deneen. Mr. Thompson's: faction wished to renominate Governor Len - Small, and -to nominate for the Senate Frank L. Smith, who has twice stood on the door-mat of that body and been refused admittance. Mr. Deneen's faction wished to nominate for Governor the present Secretary of State, Kr. Lonis Emmerson, and for Senator Mr. Otis Glenn., An overwhelming majority- took the. side of Mr. Deneen; They supplemented the police by = sending to the polling places "a voluntarily raised bodY of Watchers 000 strong-double = the strength. of the police. * *