14 APRIL 1928, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sia,—The speed of long-distance motor coaches on some of our main roads is becoming a matter of grave concern to .other road-users who suffer from this increasing nuisance. The police are fortunately active in trapping the offenders, and are usually supported well by the magistrates. But since a driver is employed to maintain his schedule time, I feel that his employer and not he should be fined. Thus I am acquainted with one coach service, 270 miles in distance, that is timed to be done in 10 hours' running time. This is disgraceful.

If private Motorists, cruising at 85 Or 40 miles an hour, would refuse to allow these leviathan dangers to overtake them under any circumstances, I think the speeding would be checked. It requires courage to keep a big vehicle capable of high speeds at the back of one's car ; but! urge those who are timid to remember : The law is on your side. If any of your readers would care to write to me, I should be -most -glad to send -confidential particulars.—! am, Sir, &c.,