:THE MARRIAGE BED. By Ernest Pascal. (Allen and Unwin. 7s.
6d.)-Through this story of modern American life there runs the implicit thesis that sex is only incidental to marriage, which; as 'an institution, need not -be *reeked by infidelity. George Boyd, an average middle-class New Ycirk business and family man, yields, after some years of wedded mOnotony, and contentment, to his passion for a pretty young stenographer-. „His wife's friends raise lire .nsual , wind of scandal and Urge Mary to divorce: -Mary, however, keeps her .head, and, -finally welooming the contrite George home again; tells him not' to:gb around With a sort othang-dog eityression.
. . We all Make Mistakes, but it is only by making them that we learn anything," Mr..' Pascal's argument is not,
are sure, capable of general application. But We have to admit that he has made a convincing study of an exceptional case. He makes us believe in Mary, even while we know that there are few *omen like. her All his Characters, indeed; are natural and alive, and his style is very pleasant.