Bombay bookstall
Sir: Richard West's article on Bombay (31 March) was most enjoyable and I am glad that he found the preservation of the city 5 Victorian buildings just as pleasing as I did' Another more modest Victorian institution survives on the concourse of Bombay s Victoria Terminus. Although long str1,e,e Indianised, the railway bookstalls of Ali Wheeler & Co are still going strong. It yvi,, be remembered that it was Wheeler - cRaarielewrayoLfibRraurydywahrdichKilapuinincghed Zen.11 idtee1:08.111g, whether Wheeler's still published some °.1.1 Kipling's stories, I cast my eye over.thei current list of paperbacks (mostly in Hirld0' but Kipling was not to be found.
P.R. Myers
Kirkview, Keil Brae, Old Meldrum, Aberdeenshire