14 AUGUST 1830, Page 10


WAa-OrFtca, August 13.—Itoyal Regt. Horse Guards: It. Oliver, Gent, to be Cor. by purchase, vice Grieves, who retiree-4th Dragoon Guards : Cor. C. It. Archer, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Holden, who retires ; J. S. Lyon, Gent, to be Cornet by purchase, vice Archer-11th Light Dragoons Brevet Cul. W. W. Blake, from half- pay 20th Light Dragoons to be Major, vice Menton, promoted-2nd Foot : Gent.Cadet G. P. Malcolm from the Royal Military College to be Ensign, vice Lotnax, appointed to the 2.5th Foot-15th Foot : Captain G. Weston from the half-pay to be Captain, vice A. Davis, who exchanges, receiving the difference-111th Foot : Capt. G. M`Do. maid to be Major by purchase, vice Audain, who retires-201h Foot: Lieut. W. Marlton from the 30th Foot to be Lieut. vice Fuelone, who exchanges-22nd Foot : Capt. W. Killikelly from half-pay 6th Weet India Itr2gt. to he Capt. vice T. Tait, who exchanges-25th Foot : Ens. M. 'W. Lomax from the 2nd Foot to be Ens. vice Walker, who resigns-30th Foot : Lieut. It. T. Furlong from the 20th Foot to be Lieut. vice Marlton, who exchanges ; Lieut. It. Armstrong to b Adj nt. vice Atkinson, who resigns the Ailjuice. iiniee5ethFoot : Capt. T. Ryan to be Major without purchase, Tice Goldie, promoted ; Capt. M. M. Madden from the half•pay to be Capt. vice Ryan —57th Foot : Capt. .1. al an n, from half pay -lOth Foot to be Capt. vice Powell, promoted —07t11 Foot: 1.ns. E. II. Lloyd front the half-pay to be Ensign, vice L. Carey, who exchanges-74th Foot : Assist.-Surg. C. C. Hughes, M.D., front half-pay r:Sth Foot, to be AssisteSurg. vice Brisbane, who exchange4-7fith Foot F. S. Prittie, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice O'Callaghan, appointed t.> the 12th Light Dragoons- 77th Foot : Capt. G. P. Clar!-re, from the half-pay, to be Capt. vice Bateman, pro- moted-8401 Foot : Capt. C. Westley, from the half-pay, to be Capt. vice Clarke, whose appaintment has not taken place—Stith Foot: To be Capts.—Lieut. J. Grant, without purchase, vice Kirby, promoted ; Capt. H. Lewth, from the half-pay, vice Baines, promoted-93rd Foot : Lieut. J. Crowe, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hart, who retires : Ens. G. E. Aylmer, to be Mote by purchase, vice Crowe 5 A. C. Fite. James, gent., to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Ayltner—Ceylon Regt. : Lieut. H. F. Powell, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Du Vernet, prometed; Second Lieut. F. A. Morris, to be First, by purchase, vice Powell; W. Jones, Gent, to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Morris. Unattached—To be Lieut.-Cols. of Infantry without purcletee : Brevet Col. Sir J. Harvey, half.pay 103rd Foot ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. T. F. Wade, half-pay unat- tachel ; Brevet Lieut.-Col. Sir W. L. Berries, half-pay as Permanent Assistant- Quartermaeter-Gen. ; Brevet Lieut. Col. G. L. te oldie, from the 50th Foot. To be Majors of Infantry, without purchase : Brey. Maj. T. Powell, from the b7th Foot ; hirer. Maj. I). Mack worth, half-pay 8th Light Dragoons ; Brey. Lieut.- Col. H. Bainenvis, half-pay 27th Foot; Brev. Maj. J. Bite:agate, haif-pay 98th Foot ; Brev. Maj. T. Cox Kirby, from the 56th Foot ; Brev. Maj. 'I'. J. Baines, from the 81kh Foot ; Brev. Maj. It. Bateman, from the 77th Foot ; Brev. Maj. W. Ebhart, from Staff-Capt. at Chelsea ; Brev. 1). Fella, on half-pay 45th Foot—Staff: Capt. T. H. S. Clete:12, from half-pay 57th Foot, to be Stuff-Capt. at Chelsea, vice Elkhart, promoted—Brevet : to be Major General!: in the Army : Brev. Col. T. Marley, hnlf.pay 1st or Grenadier Foot Guards ; Bray. Col. J. Le Mesurier, half-pay 17th Foot; Brev. Col. P. Philpot, half-pay 24th Light Dragoons—To be Co- lonels In the Army : Lieut.-Col. J. Ogilvie, halapity unattaclieb ; Ilrey. Lieut.-Col. P. Watts, hall-pay Independent Companies ; three. Lieut.-Col. G. Grogan, balf-pay Corsican Regiment ; Brev. Lieut.-Col. J. Sitedden, halepay 11411; Foot—To be Lien- tenant-Colonels in the Army: Breve Alaj. E. T. Allelic'', Royal Anil.; Mee. Maj. W. Cater, of the Royal Artil.—To bc Majors in the Army : Capt. G. Gibson, of the Seth Foot ; Capt. T. Kelly, Fort-Maj. at Tilbury Fort ; Capt. R. Kelly, Fort.- Maj. at Dartmouth.

Memoranda—'Phe promotion of Capt. Robert S. A i tchisme of the Cope Mounted Riflemen, to be Major in the Army, as stated in the Gozeile of the 23rd ultimo, has not taken place.