14 AUGUST 1830, Page 16


As a newspaper curiosity, we copy from the Chronicle the follow- ing account of a dinner, given—not to King WILLIAM, but to Mr. WILLIAMS, landlord of a coffeehouse near the New Post- Office. From the length and tenor of the report, the dignity of the occasion may be inferred.

"WILLIAMS'S COFFES-ROUSS, ST. MA avirs's-LE-GRAND.—Yesterday, about fifty gentlemen, friends of Mr. Theodosius Williams, landlord of the Old Mourn- ing Bush Tavern, St. Martin's-le-Grand, close to the New Post-Office, eat down to a most excellent dinner, provided for that gentlernanon the occasion of the opening of, the new and commodious apartments which he has prepared for the ac- commodation of the public, particularly of those who have business connected with the New Post-Office. The rooms were fitted up in the most tasteful and convenient style ; and the dinner was served up in a manner, combining ele- gance with abundance, that would have done credit to the best-conducted taverns in the City or West end of the town. One of the Common Coun- cilmen of the Ward sat at the head of the table ; and a gentleman well known in the neighbourhood, and distinguished for his talents, acted as his deputy : and both of them spoke from long acquaintance, to the worth of the landlord. The wines were of the most excellent quality, particularly the hock and cbampaigne, the latter especially being of a description which is seldom met With at public dinners at the most distinguished taverns. Some professional singers, particularly Mr. Morley, Mr. Dyne, Mr. Foster, and others, entertained the company with a variety of songs and glees. A glee, "Long life to the King and the Queen," said to lw the composition of Mr. Bishop, was particularly admired, and loudly encored. The health of the King—of the Queen—of the Duke of Sussex and the rest of the Royal Family, were drunk with enthusiasm. Then followed the Army and the Navy, and other patriotic toasts, each of which was followed by ap. propriate songs and glees. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman, and several other gentlemen of the company, who had long known Mr. Williams, the landlord of the house, bore ample testimony to his excellent character and conduct, from his youth upwards; and observed that his mode of conducting his establishment was not only .just but generous, combining liberality with economy; and all-of them expressed the most hearty wishes that the new exertions which he had made might be attended with the most eminent success. The landlord was deeply affected by the testimony borne to his worth by so many of the most respectable of his neighbours and friends, and pleaded that as his excuse for his inability to do justice to his feelings in re- turning them his best thanks ; but it was observed that the speech was the best that could have been made. The Deputy Chairman proposed that the meeting should be

• nark an anniversary; a proposition which was received with universal acclamation.

This is an article well worthy the attention of the Stamp-Office. if it escapes the fangs of Somerset House, we will most assuredly -publish the report of an interesting tea-party given by a green- grocer's lady in the vicinity of Whitechapel, together with some account of the supper, a notice of the number and quality of the .mutton-pies and tartlets, some mention of the punch, and a faithful 'report of the speeches made over it.The fashion of the alleys is too,muchneglected..