Fishing Boats off Calais. Painted by J. M. W. TURNER,
R.A. Engraved in Mezzotint, by W. lievisoer. Wreckers off Fort Rouge. Painted by CLARKSON STANFIELD. Engraved in Mezzotint, by J. P. QUILLEY. RNER and STANFIELD divide the sway of art over the empire of the sky and sea, as COLLINS and tALLCOTT divided it over the coast. Tu RNER'S stupendous masses of storm heaving up on the " wings of the wind," or his light skirring clouds, white and fleecy, are disposed with SO much truth' variety, and grandeur, that they proclaim him the very Prospero of" Cloudland—gorgeous land." Then STANTIELD's liquid, fluent, transparent waves undulating in calm or heaving with the billowy swell of a rising storm, waves, for him the title of "Ruler of the Waves.' Ilis clouds, too, are vapoury, sullen, and brooding ; while TuRNER's sea also is aqueous, briny, and translucent. But STANHELD's craft is as correct as it is vigorous in drawing ; and his sails flap to the breeze, or bend to the gale ; his hulls are of the dock-yard; his spars and rigging complete from clewAine to main-brace. TURNER'S are not wanting in spirit or nautical feeling, if their technical correctness of detail is not so prominent. You see his vessels through the medium of art. STAN- FIELD'S are all but models for the shipwright. TURNER'S elemental effects are grand and natural, and likewise poetical; conceived and ex- ecuted with the mastery of art. STANFIELD'S are more correct ; he does not avail himself of poetical licence, but confines his eye to the observation of actual objects, and his pencil to the legitimate exercise of his powers and skill in art in their delineation. Truth and vigour eminently characterize STANFIELD'S pictures, poetry and grandeur those of TuRNER.
These two prints are fine specimens of the style of each of these ini- mitable artists, and excellent as conveying 'their peculiar effects in mezzotint.