Chnt last notice of this event—whose reality, even while recording it, we are sometimes inclined to doubt, so rapid, so strange, so mighty has it been—came down to the second sitting of the Cham- bers:en Thursday last week. The Chamber of' Deputies had then completed the balloting for candidates for the Presidency. Of the candidates, M. CASIMIR PERRIER had the greatest number of voters ; and he was, according to the established etiquette, selected by the Lieutenant-General, to whom, as Regent of the Kingdom, the list was submitted. The discussions in the Chambers, on the claims of the young Duke de BORDEAUX, occupied, as we had anticipated, very little time, and excited very little attention. A M. de CONNY, who has long distinguished himself by the impracti-
cability of his plans and the dulness of his speeches, spoke in de- fence of the divine right of the house of CHARLES the Tenth. This right, we may observe, if established, would have placed on the throne, not the Duke de BORDEAUX, but the Duke d'Ailoon- mitts ; for if there be any force in the argument that the. French Chambers could not be dissolved until they were constituted, it must be equally allowed that a throne cannot be resigned before it be possessed. The Chamber heard M. dP ervvivv..
HYDE DE NEuvILLE, ana took their own way. The resignation of CHARLES was deposited in the archives of the Chamber, as a public document ; and the Chamber resolved, without adverting either to the resignation or its qualifications, that-
" Taking into consideration the imperious necessity which results from the events of July 26, 27, 23, and 29, and regarding the situation in which France is placed at the end of the violation of the Constitutional Charter ; considering, besides, that in consequence of this violation, and the heroic resistance of the citizens of Paris, his Majesty King Charles X., Louis Antoine his son, and all the members of the eldest branch of the Bourbons, leave the territory,—declare that the throne is vacant in fact and in right, and that it is indispensably necessary that it should be provided for."
The resolution declaring the throne vacant, with others that were subsequently adopted by the Chamber of Deputies, were commu- nicated to the Chamber of Peers, at their sitting on the 7th. CHA.TEAUBRIAND has since published the speech which he made in favour of the exiled family. It is little else than a string of commonplace objections to elective monarchy. Having, as he supposed, satisfactorily disposed of the question of a republic— which, as no one proposed it, might have been more satisfactorily disposed of in silence—the Viscount proceeded to the discussion of a monarchy.
"A King named by the Chambers, or elected by the people, will always be a novelty. Suppose the object sought be liberty—the liberty of the press—every new monarchy will be forced, sooner or later, to gag this liberty. Could Napoleon himself admit it ? Offspring of our misfortunes, and the slave of our glory, the liberty of the press lives in surety only under a government whose roots are deeply fixed. Will not a monarchy which has been the bastard of a sanguinary right, have nothing to dread from the independence of the opinions of the press ? If one can preach up a republic, and another some other system, do you not fear to be soon obliged to have recourse to laws of exception, in spite of the eight wnrds expunged from the eighth article of the Charter ? Then, 0 friends of re- gulatedliberty ! what will you have gained by your proposed chat4.,,e-? You will sink of necessity into a republic, or into legal slavery. The monarchy will be overwhelmed and swept away by the torrent of demo- cratical laws, or the Monarch by the operation of factions.
"The principle of hereditary monarchy, absurd as it is at first sight, has been recognized in practice preferable to the principle of elective monar- chy. The reason is so palpable that I need not explain it. You choose a King to-day. What will prevent you from choosing one to-morrow ? The law, you will say—the law ! Ah ! but you are the makers of the law ! There is still a plainer way of putting the question. We will no longer have the elder branch of the Bourbons. But why ? Because we are vic- torious : we have triumphed in a just and sacred cause, and we exercise a double right of conquest. Well, you proclaim the sovereignty of force : then take good care of that force; for if it escapes from you in a few months you will have no right to complain."
In Spite of this excellent 'eloquence, the Peers agreed to all the propositions of the Deputies, except the resolution respecting the new Peers; and their sentiments were conveyed to the Duke of ORLEANS on the same day with the invitation of the Lower Chamber. The number of Peers that voted was 89 ; of whom 79- were for, and 10 against the propositions sent up by the Depu- ties for their concurrence.
The discussions in the Chamber of Deputies assumed a character of greater interest. They are open to the public, and the public naturally watches their progress with more curiosity. They turned almost entirely on the various amendments proposed in the Charter; and as they would not be very intelligible without the original articles, we give them both. The articles not specified, except the preamble, which is suppressed, are confirmed.
Art. 6. Nevertheless the Catholic Apos- tolic and Roman religion is the reli- gion of the state. Art. 7. The Ministers of the Catholic Apostolic and Roman religion, as well as of the Christian sects, are alone to re- ceive payments from the Royal Treasury.
Art. 8. Frenchmen are to have the right to publish anti to print their opi- nions, on conforming to the laws which ought to repress the abuse of this liberty.
Art. 14. The King is to be the Chief Snpreme of the state, to command the forces by sea and by land, to declare war, to make treaties of peace and alli- ances of commerce, to name all those who are employed in the public adminis- trations, and to make all regulations and ordonnances necessary for the execution of the laws and the security of the state.
Art. 15. The legislative power is to be exercised collectively by the King, the Chamber of Peers, and the Chamber of Deputies of the Departments. Art. 19. The Chambers are to have the power to pray the King to propose a law, whatever object it may relate to, and to indicate to him what appears to them reasonable that such law should contain. Art. 20. This demand can be made by
either of the two fa.* nflev
io ueen cnscussen in a Secret Com- mittee, it shall not be sent to the other Chamber by the Chamber which has pro- posed it, until after the expiration of ten days.
Art. 21. If the proposition is adopted by the other Chamber, it shall be sub- mitted to the consideration of the King ; if it be rejected, it cannot be presented again in the same session.
Art. 26. Every assembly of the Cham- ber of Peers, which shall be held during the time that the session of the Chamber of Deputies shall not exist, or which shall not be ordered by the King, shalibe unlawful and devoid of all force.
Art. 31. The Princes cannot take their scats in the Chamber until the order of the King, express for each session, by a message, on pain of nullity of all that has been done in their presence. Art. :12. All the deliberations of the hm
Caber of Peers are secret. Art. 36. No Deputy can be admitted into the Chamber until he has attained the age of forty years, nor unless he has paid taxes to the amount of a thousand francs per annum.
Art. 63. Extraordinary commissions and tribunals cannot in consequence be created; but in this regulation are not comprised the jurisdictions called Pre- votal, if their re-establishment shall be judged necessary.
Art. 74. The King and his successors are to swear, at the solemnity of coro- nation, to observe faithfully the present Constitutional Charter, NEIV ALLT1CLES. Suppressed.
Altered thus-
" The Ministers of the Catholic Apos- tolic and Roman religions professed by the majerity of Frenchmen, together with those of other Christian doctrines, shall be supported at the public expense." Altered thus- " Frenchmen have the right of publish_ lag anti printing their opinions. in con- formity with the laws, The censorship shall never be re-established."
Altered thus— "The King is the Supreme head ofthe State, and commands the forces by sea and land ; makes treaties of peace, alli- ance, and commerce ; nominates to all public employments ; anti forms the re. gulations and ordinances necessary for the execution of the laws, -without the power either to suspend the laws them- selves or to dispense with their execution." Words "oh' the Departments" omitted.
Altered thus-
" If a proposition for a law has been rejected by one of the three estates, it cannot be reproduced iu the same see. slim."
Altered thus-
" Every assembly of the Chamber or Peers, which ahall be held at any period when the Chamber of Deputies is not sit. thug, is mill and without effect ; except only when it is assembled as a court of juatice, and then it can only exercise its judicial functions."
"Public" substituted for "secret."
Altered thus- " No Deputy can be admitted into the Chamber who is not of the age of thirty, and uniting to that the qualifications re- quired by the law."
Altered thus—
"All extraordinary tribunals, by what- ever authority, or under whatever deno- tnination they may sit, are illegal."
Altered thus—.
" The King and his successors shall in future swear, in the presence of the as- sembled Chambers, to observe faithfully the present Constitutional Charter." Art. 75 of the Commission runs thus— "The present Charter, and all the rights which it consecrated, remain confided to the patriotism and courage of the Na- tional Guard and all the citizen3 of France.
Such are the alterations in the Charter, or, as the French have now baptized the document, the " Bill of Rights," which have been agreed to by both Chambers, and, in terms of the 74th Ar- ticle, sworn to by the King. There was another and very import- ant resolution, under the head of dispositions particulares, made by the Chamber of Deputies, which did not receive the assent of the Peers,—namely, that
'All the nominaitons and new creations of Peers made during the reign of Charles the Tenth be declared null and void.
"And to prevent the return of the great abuses which have attended the principle of the Peerage, Article 27 of the Charter, which gives to the King the unlimited power of creating Peers, shall be submitted to a new examination."
To this resolution Mila LAFAYETTE moved an amendment, the object of which was to abolish hereditary peerages altogether. It will be seen from the article complained of, that the remedy which Las been proposed for the evils of the English House of Peers is already in operation in France. The 27th article of the Charter runs thus— "The nomination of the Peers of France is the prerogative of the King; their number is unlimited ; he can vary their dignities, and name them Peers for their life, or make them hereditary, at his pleasure."
It was at length agreed to reserve the discussion of this article to a future period of the session, when the defects of it could be provided for in the regular way by an express law. The number of Peers who would have been deprived of a seat had the Chamber of Peers adopted the resolution of the Deputies, is ninety-three; and it is not unworthy of notice, that it contains the name of SOULT, the bravest and ablest of the Revolutionary Generals, and of DUPERRE, the naval commander of the African expedition. The following is a list of the whole.
Count de Villffie, Archbishop of barges Count d'Im6court
Count de Chabons, Bishop of Atniens Count Dithottleru Count Salmon du Chatellier, Bishop of Count d' Hoirelize Evreux. Count de Choiseul Count de Grammont d'Asttl Prince d'Arenberg Count de Cheverus, Archbp. of Bordeaux Count de Cartunan Count de Montblanc, Archbp. of Tours Baron de Fr6uilly ' Count de Brault, Archbishop of Alby Prince Duke de Berglies Count Morel de Mons, Archbldiop of Marquis de Tiamccourt Avignon Count tie Bottill6 Count de Pins, Archbishop of Amasie Count de Pontgibaud Count de Divonne Count d'Andlau Count de St. Aldegontle Marquis d'Albon Marquis de Monteynanl Marquis de Reaurepairo Count Enpine de Vogui: Count de la ilonllerie Count de Blostatjouls Count de la Pattouze Marquis de Illirepois.Levis Count lIocquart Count de Panis Mince de Croi-Sobre Marquis de Neuville Marshal Duke tie Dalmatia. Marquis de Confians Marquis Forbin des Issarts Count de Bonneval Viscount Sapinand Marquis de Mac-Mahon Count de Liir-Saluces Baron de Grosbois Count de Nansouty Count de Kargarion Count de Peyronnet Viscount Chiffiet Cardinal Duke d'Isoard Count d'Urre Archbishop of Auch Marquis de Itadepout Duke de Cin.este Count de is Fruglaye Marquis de Puyvert
Count Bodes de Guf:briant Baron de Vitrollcs
Afarquis de Calvii2re Count Val6e Viscount de Castelbajae Marquis de St. Mauris
Duke d'Esclignac Marquis de Levis
Baron Sarret de Coussergues Count °Meier
Count de la Vieuville Prince de Montmorency Zlarquis de Lancostne Count de Magnin,:
Count Ituz,l. d'Effiat Count de RotunI
Count de Qui nson its Marquis de Gourguas
Marquis de Froissard Viscount de Causans
Marquis de Courtarvel Marquis Desmonstiers de 11Ierinville Count Humbert de sesmaison Count de Suzanuct Marquis de Colbert Count de VilRde
Marquis Aymar de Dampierre Count de Corbieres Count de Bemis Count Raves ourzet Count de Kergolay Count de Labourdoimaye Count de Tocqueville Count 13eugnot Viscount de St. Mauro Admiral Duperrii Marquis de Bailly
The reduction or continuance of these Peers has been submitted by the Peers to the sole consideration of the Lieutenant-General, now the King. It will be remembered that more than two-thirds of the whole number were called to the Upper House by one ordi- nance, merely for the purpose of enabling a headstrong Minister to carry his measures. So gross an abuse of the prerogative called for notice and correction. The only question seems to be, whether an ex post facto law ought to be applied in order to purify the Chamber of Peers, or whether its purification ought to be left to time, and the future only be guarded from similar stretches of power. We observe that four of the number—MM. d'ANDE- 1AUT, BOUILLERIE, HOCQUART, and GROSBOIS—have given in their resignations. 0 thersiwill probably follow. It would not be very gracious, nor perhaps altogether safe, to hold a title which had been expressly denounced as illegally obtained, by so formidable a body as the representatives of the French people. Besides the amendments in the Charter, a number of resolu- tions of very great importance were passed by the Deputies, on each of which it is proposed that laws shall be introduced during the present session ; which promises to be one of the busiest, as it is by far the most important, that ever was convened in France. The principal of these resolutions regarded- 1. The application of a Jury to political offences and the offences of the press.
2. The responsibility of Ministers and other agents of power. 3. The re-election of Deputies promoted to public functions with sa- laries. 4. The annual vote for the contingencies of the army. 5. The organization of the National Guard, with the right of the Na- tional Guard to a negative vote in the choice of their officers. 6. The arrangements for assuring, in a legal manner, the rank of officers of all ranks by sea and land. 7. The formation of the departmental and municipal institutions on the , elective system. 8. Public instruction and liberty to teach.
9. The abolition of the double vote, the fixing the electoral candidates, and their eligibility.
The various clauses in the reformed Charter having been con- sidered, and the resolutions which we have just noticed been passed, with almost no discussion and without division, the Pre- sident proceeded to put the great and crowning resolution of the day, to which all the rest were but introductory. It was con- ceived in these words— "These dispositions and propositions being accepted, the Chamber of Deputies declare that the universal and pressing interest of the French people calls to the throne his Royal Highness Louis Philippe d'Orleans,
Duc d'Orleans, Lieutenant-General of the Kingdom, and his descendants in perpetuity, from male to male in the order of primogeniture to the perpetual exclusion of the female branches and their descendants.' " Monseigneur his Royal Highness Louis Philippe d'Orleans, Duc d'Or- leans, Lieutenant-General of the Kingdom, shall therefore be invited to accept and swear to the clauses and engagements before-mentioned, the observance of the Constitutional Charter, and the modificationa pointed out ; and after having done so before the assembled Chambers, shall take the title of King of the French (Roi des Francais)"
When the final ballot was taken on the whole of the report, the numbers stood thus—number of voters, 252 ; white balls 219, black balls 33, majority for the report 186. As soon as the result of the ballot was known, the President announced to the Cham- ber that the report, which it was agreed should form the message to be delivered to the Lieutenant-General, was to be immediately earned up. Nearly the whole of the Deputies who had attended the sittings accompanied the President to the private mansion of the ORLEANS II-tinily at the Palais Royal, accompanied by a nu- merous assemblage of the National Guard. When the Deputies arrived at the Palais Royal, they found the Prince in the midst of ins numeroui family, dressed as a private gentleman, and his Duchess and children arrayed with a degree of plainness which seems to have attracted the marked attention of the people, accus- tomed as they have been for a number of years past to the glitter of the exiled Monarch and his tinsel Court. 'M. LAFITTE acted as the organ of the Chamber, and read the Bill of Rights in a loud and distinct voice. He finished by making to the Lieutenant-Ge- neral a tender of the crown of France, on the conditions agreed on by the Chambers. His Highness's answer was brief and satisfac- tory :— " I receive with profound emotion the declaration which you present to me. I regard it as an expression of the national will, and it appears to me conformable to the political principles which I have professed during all my life. "Full of recollections which have ever made me desire to escape the destiny of a throne, free from ambition, and habituated to the quiet life which I passed in my family, I cannot conceal from you the emotions which agitate my heart at this juncture; but there is one sentiment which overrules all these—the love of my country ; I feel what it pre- scribes, and I will perform it."
The Prince, who was much moved in pronouncing these few words, burst into tears as he finished, and throwing himself into the arms of LAFITTE and those Of LAFAYETTE, he renewed his accept- ance and his promises in less formal phrases. The venerable Re- publican was unable to withstand such an appeal; seizing the King by the arms, he exclaimed, this is the Prince we wanted ; this is the best of all republics." M. LAFITTE then saluted the Prince as the King of the French, and requested his Majesty and the Royal Family to show themselves to the people who crowded about the palace. The King immediately proceeded to the bal- cony; where his appearance seems to have dissolved the previous coldness ot me its:seutulcO. Povician. ; for Tuo and his enngort and son were saluted with shouts innumerous of "Vive le Roi ! Vive la Reine ! Vive le Rue de Chartres !" intermixed with others not less hearty, of "Vive in Charte ! Vivent les Deput6s !" In the evening of this eventful day, there was a general and spontaneous illumination all over Paris. Next morning was ap- pointed for the reception of the Sovereign elect by his Parliament. So early as seven o'clock, although the ceremony was not to take place until two, the Palais Royal was filled with spectators, eager to enjoy the passing show—the first that ever France ex- hibited of a King freely chosen by the people proceeding to take the oaths of-fidelity- to the constitution and the law in the midst of their representatives. The throne was the same as at the opening of the session, with the exception of the ficur-de-lys,* which had been removed from the velvet. Four tri-coloured flags waved round the royal chair. In front were placed three velvet-covered stools, and on the right and left were arranged benches for the Provisional Ministers. In the centre of the Chamber were two seats covered with pink silk, for the President of the Chamber of Peers, Baron PASQUIER, and the President of the Chambee of Deputies, 11I. CAmena PERRIER. The number of Peers who assembled on the occasion was about ninety. At one o'clock, the Deputies proceeded to the Hall of Con- ferences—analogous to our Painted Chamber—to ballot along with the Peers for the grand deputation which was to usher the King to the Chamber. Soon after, the Provisional Ministers entered. At a quarter past two, the tribune set apart for the Royal Family, was thrown open, and all eyes were immediately bent in that direction. The Queen entered first, followed by her sister- in-law and the younger branches of her family. The Queen ap- peared to be deeply affected by the scene ; she and the Pnncesses wore plain white robes, the boys were dressed in blue frocks. The Crown, Sceptre, Sword, and Hand of Justice, the in- signia of royalty, were then brought in, and placed on a table on the right of the throne ; and four of the Marshals of the empire, the Dukes of TREVISO, TARENTUM, REGGIO, and Count Moeirou, took their station behind it. At half-past two pre- cisely, the music of the National Guard, the only troops which did duty on the occasion, was heard ; and the grand deputa- tion, headed by the two Presidents, entered and took theirrespec- tive places. The King elect followed, accompanied by his two sons, the Dukes de CHARTRES and NEMOUR, and took their seats * The fleur-de-lys are the arms of the Bourbons, Antiquaries, however, direr as to what these fleur-de-lys are. The heraldic iris resembles no ins that nature ever produced ; and some are of opinion that the pretended flower is no more than a spear-head. on the stools before the throne, amidst cries of " Long live the King!" a hundred times repeated from the Deputies and Peers, who were loailly joined by the audience in the galleries. Silence being at length restored, and the Deputies seated, the President of the Chamber of Deputies read the declaration agreed on at the sittings of Saturday ; and the President of the Chamber of Peers delivered to the Sovereign the adherence of the Peers. King PHILIP then said- " Peers and Deputies--I have read with great attention the declaration of the Chamber of Deputies, and the adherence of the Chamber of Peers. I have weighed and meditated all the expressions of them. I accept, with- out restriction or reserve, all the clauses and engagements which this declaration contains, and the title of King of the French which it confers upon me. I am ready to sv:ear to the observance of them."
He then raised his hand, and pronounced with much solemnity and fervour the following oath: " In the presence of God I swear faithfully to observe the Constitu- tional Charter, with the changes and modifications expressed in the decla- ration of the Chamber of Deputies ; to govern only by the laws, and according to the laws ; to cause good and strict justice to be done to every- body according to his right ; and to act in all things solely with a view to promote the happiness and the glory of the French people."
The King next subscribed the declaration, the act of adherence, and lastly the oath ; loud cheering from every quarter of the im- mense hall following each. The King then sat down on the throne, where he delivered his first royal speech in these terms :— " Peers and Deputies—I have materially reflected on the extent of the duties which are imposed upon me. 1 have the consciousness of being able to fulfil them, by causing the compact of alliance which has been proposed to me to be observed.
"I should have ardently desired never to fill the throne to which the national will calls me ; but I yield to this will, expressed by the Chambers in the name of the French people, for the maintenance of the Charter and the laws.
"The modifications which we have just made in the Charter guarantee the security of the future, and the prosperity of France. Happy at home, respected abroad, at peace with Europe, it will be more and more consoli- dated."
The Chambers, by the command of the King, were summoned for the following clay, for the purpose of swearing to the Charter, and for the despatch of business. The sittings were then dis- solved; and the Deputies and the audience slowly withdrew from the most important ceremony that France or Europe has beheld for many centuries. .The Queen, in passing through the Hall of Conferences, in her way to her carriage, mingled freely with the groupes that were assembled there, and returned their salutes in the most affable manner.
The oath could not be taken by the Chamber of Deputies on the 10th, in consequence of the order for taking it being, by the neglect of some one or other charged with that department. omitted to be placed on the list of uiders ot the day. The Peers assembled, as had been agreed on at the sittings of the Chambers on Monday. The space left for the accommodation of the public in compliance with the new Charter, was not wholly occupied ; a striking proof of the insignificance into which the highest and most venerable assembly may be reduced in public estimation by a system of seclusion long continued. The oath, the same as has been always used since the Restoration, was proposed by the Pre- sident as follows :— "1 swear fidelity to the King, and obedience to the Constitutional Charter, and to the laws of the kingdom ; and in all things to conduct myself as a good and loyal Peer of France."
Each Peer signified his adherence by holding up his right hand and repeating the words " I swear." The number of Peers pre- sent was 103. The following took the oath without observation— and in the order of their names:— Duke de Chartres, Duke de Nemours, Count Abrial, Marquis d'Aligre, Count d'Ambrugeac, Count d'Argout, Baron de Barante, Count de Bas- tard de l'Estang, General Count 13eker, General Count Belliard, Count de Berenger, Baron Boisselle de Monville, Count Boissy d'Anglas, Duke de Brancas, Duke de Broglie, Duke de Cadore, Duke de Caraman, Marquis de Castellane, Duke de Castries, Count Chaptal, Marquis de Chasseloup- Laubat, Duke de Choiseul, Count Cholet, Count Claparede, Count Cle- ment de Ris, Count Compans, Count de Courtarvel-Peze, Count Da- vous, Count Dejean, Baron Dubreton, Count du Puy, Count Fabre de l'Aucle, Count de Germiny, Count d'Ha.ubersaert, Count d'Haussonville, Viscount d'Houdetot, Duke d'Istria, Marquis de Jaucourt, Marquis de Juigne, Count Klein, Count de la Bourdonnaye-Blossac, Count Lan- juinais, Marquis de Laplace, Duka de la Rochefoucauld, Count de Latour- Maubourg, Marquis de Lauriston, Count de la Villegontier, Count Lerner- cier, Marquis de Louvois, Marquis de Maleville, Marquis de Marbois, Duke de Massa, Marquis de Mathan, Count Mole, Marshal Molitor, Count Mollien, Count de Montalembert, Count de Montalivet, Duke de Monte- bello, Count de Montesquiou, Duke de Montmorency, Viscount de Morel- Vinde, Duke deNarboune-Pelet, Marquis d'Orvilliers, Marquis d'Osmond, Baron Pasquier, Duke de Plaisance, Count de Pontecoulant, Baron Por- tal, Count Portal is, Duke de Praslin, Marquis de Raigecourt, Count Ram- pon, Marshal Duke de Reggio, Count de Reille, Count de Ricard, Count de Richebourg, CountRoWount Bully, Count de Sainte-Aulaire, Count de Sainte-Suzanne, Baron Seguier, Viscount de Segur Lamoignon, Mar- quis de Semonville, Count Simeon, Count Soules, Count de Sparre, Count de Sussy, Prince Duke de Talleyrand, Marshal Duke de Tarentum Count de Tascher, Marshal Duke de Treviso, Vice-Admiral Count Truguet, Duke de Valmy, Count de Vaubois, Count de Vaudreuil, Marquis de Vence. A few of the Peers added a sentence of explanation on takirne the oath. Viscount d'AMBRAY refused to take it, and immediateq left the Chamber. When it came to the bin of the Duke DE FITJAMES, he addressed the Peers at considerable length. The Duke is a nobleman of high monarchical principles, and his speech seems to have produced a strong impression on his auditors. 'PI have taken," said he, "only two oaths during my life: the first, in early youth, to Louis XVI. of blessed memory; the second, in 1814, to the Constitutional Charter, the principles of which had long been na. planted in my heart, and which I rejoiced to see made the law of France. I defy any living being to accuse me of having been unfaithful to those two oaths. (Unequtrocal marks of assent.) You will, perhaps, do me the justice to admit, that in this Chamber I have never delivered an opinion which had not for its foundation the very text of the Constitutional Charter ; and I call honour to witness, that for these sixteen years there never has arisen in my heart any wish which was not conformable to that Charter. Being tried by misfortune almost on my entrance into life, I was, in adversity, early taught to submit to the decrees of Providence, and to fortify myself against storms. How to rernaiu faithful to a hope- less cause, has long been known in my family, and in that respect we have not a new lesson I ) learn. (Fre.dt marks ty' assent, ant aererat Peers size!I te,:ry.) Dou!)t: denloro, and shall ever deplore, the fate
of Charles the Tenth. honoweel by his bounty, no one better knows than I all the sir of his le e rt. Even when deceived by
Ministers, still more i ' 'In 1 ' 1,0iCeg, " Yes, yes !"]—when too v., ,.ired to make him hear the truth which was CO cr; . •
I declare :my:, and 1ai tiwavs dLciale, r heard him express
any wish which had not for it • ih.lect • reach people,
nod the prosperity of France. This justice id : • y to render him.
These sentiments, which will ever live in my 'Ioart, and which avould stile me if I did not gNe them free vent, 1 icv. pour out hefore you, and I should pity him to '..ylont theycmit give !'E;;Ice. Yes I to my latest breath—so long as • ,• •:, ,,f hi,' ,••• my ;:. Art beat—tm the
scaffold, it ever I am dest.,! iall boldly avow•• .1.t he odd not de- my love and respect for
m, have lice.n tin- just his fate, and that
.riTichman ; and
j ust towards him. (_ ' .e vote myself in the eituation in w
en- tirely to my country. T!,:, the safety of nonce is
doubtless +le only one , so rirmy Ininds to concur in promulgatir !.;t:11 within • :.•
six days decided the t:., )f Franco. , • crything ro::..n.)y ready • ,Tou U,3 and
was consumm a ated, nd
devour us. I cannot be f tH),,, VQS. It is to
them alone I sacrifice all the :h Iu : ve attached
h,-c urt:2, make
me to life. These sentimems
me open my mouth to pronu.' ithe oath n (B010) / Bravo !
The absent Peers, not e have been denounced by the :I; twenty-nine: some of these were siek, the POLIGNACS, arc proscribed. IL. 17!`•, meeting should be held for the purp e an opportunity of taking the oath. refuse will necessarily resign their title e. will be seen, was among the absent. i; a very different one from tia: frank an:1
It would appear that everything is settling down among our neiglaienrs ill a quiet and legal way. A trifling attempt to disturb the public tr:Invillity vt See:re was immediately Ivat down. The marquis de LAROCII8JAQUELIN, wno was repres,mted as on his way to La Vendi.e to rouse the old bands of Royalists there, has published a disevewal of the charge ; lie has not left Paris. Twenty-five of the Vendan chiefs held a meeting in the country in the chateau of one of the number, where it was carried by 20 to 5 that they would give no countenance to any attempt at disturb- ing the country. Assurances of adherence pour into Paris from every quarter of France, and in the course of a week or two it seems probable that King LOUIS PHILIP will be as securely seated on the throne as if his family had held it from the days of Louis the Thirteenth. The best proof of the entire freedum enjoyed by the French people, and of the stability of the new Government, will be found in the language of the Ultra journals, some extracts from which we subjoin. It will be seen from these that the Press discusses the question of the succession, and every other question, with a boldness that it Ailing hut the determination of the new dy- nasty to do justly to their enemies as well as their friends, and to rely on the good sense of the people at large for support, could for -a moment permit. As we expected also, the Ultra Tories of the French are now, as among ourselves, the Ultra Liberals, and com- bat their Constitutional opponents, not by arguments drawn from the principles of Legitimacy, but from those of Republicanism. "The Duke of Orleans has been proclaimed King. Two things are to be considered on this subject—the fact and the right. Upon the first point it will be said that, in the uncertain and violent state in which public affairs were placed, it was of the highest importance to come to some determination, whether for Royalty or a Republic, usurpation or legitimacy. A few days—a few hours more, Paris would perhaps have been a prey to the raving anarchy of a thousand parties. in this respect the speedy determination of the Chamber has produced some calm in the public mind. The right in virtue of which this new power, thrown into the midst of factions, has been established, remains to be considered. Now we see that all that has been done, has been done in the name of a certain right of the people, who break down power when they please, or, as it is said, when they think themselves oppressed. What signify the words uttered in the Chamber on Saturday ? The people are so- vereign, and consequently judges of their sovereignty—that is to say, they destroy it at pleasure ; they overthrow powers and raise them up again ; in a word, they dispose of them according as they act in conformity to their ideas of justice and liberty. This is immense, for it is not in the effervescence of popular passions that such principles are proclaimed ; it is in the midst of a political assembly, all animated with a sentiment of peace and order, and apparently capable of anticipating all the consequences of the profession of such doctrine. Now, we ask any man of a candid mind, if the people be judges in their own cause—if they have a right to crush the powers which appear to violate their rights, what powers can ever withstand their caprice ? Let us always remember that this destruction, being the first right of the people, if it be their will, they will finish by destroying themselves. To speak the truth, we shudder with terror at the aspect of this doctrine; but we must also confess that it was inevitable, to prevent politics from falling into this gulf, the mo- ment they were separated from that other sovereignty—the Sovereignty of God, which alone teaches men what they owe to each other, whether they command, or whether they obey."—Quotidienne. v-three whose titles to t:ele iii mdred and ' and a few,as 1 that a future aiyient reers those who 2RIAND, it 1he 7th was al of Fitz- " What will be the result of the new order of things ? in what situa- tion will the Prince henceforth find himself. who has just seated himself won the throne of Charles X., of Louis XIX., and of Henry V ? It is of importance that this should be examined with the discernment and calm- ness of reason. Philip of Orleans is proclaimed King. It is not by the right of birth that he ascends the throne ; neither is it by the proved suf- frages of the people. Deputies elected in virtue of a principle of legiti- macy, without authority to take away or confer the Crown, have greeted mm with a title which they might with equal validity bestow upon another. Here hereditary legitimacy is set aside, and the legitimacy of the nation is taken no account of. This election will, therefore, have against it both the opinion which admits the dogma of hereditary sovereignty, and the opinion which believes in the sovereignty of the people. The Chamber of ,Deputies has usurped powers which it did not possess. All that it could legally do was, either to recognize the living principle re- presented by the Royal Infant, or to demand its now immediate dissolu- tion, leaving to the Provisional Power to provide, according to the laws for the necessities of the State. All that has been done, moreover, is null and void by right. The Chamber elected hy virtue of the Charter of Louis XVI II. —the Chamber sent to a legitimate throne—the Chamber chosen by elec- tors who have sworn allegiance to the and obedience to the Royal Constitution, had neither the power nor the authority to change the condi - tons of the existence of society. Here are, therefore, two elements of di- vision already formed in the State. On the one hand, those who adhere to legitimacy from affection or political principles; on the other, those who believe in the sovereignty of the people. Both aim at different ends, but they will agree on the complete nullity of all that has been done. There is a third party, which does not come forth now, but which strengthens that of the sovereignty of the people, to whom it refers the origin of its rights. It is that of a young foreign Prince, equally enthroned eke- tioa and proclamation, provided with an act of abdication, and suc- cessor of a power de farlo, which governed France for ten years. Thus the head of the Government has hut a frail title ; and in society there is moral disorder, dissidence, debate, and an intestine war between conscience and will. Order and liberty will be demanded of the new Government, without which society cannot exist : guarantees will be demanded of it for all interests, security for trade, and industry and stability for all that exists. I low can order be established with so many elements of perturbation ? How is it possible to establish liberty in the midst of so many resistances and obstacles ? If it be done it will be an act of address, of which no instance can be found since the creation of the world."—zette, du France.
The progress of CHARLES the Tenth is slow and lingering. He is supposed to be casting a longing look behind, in the hope that
sonic unforeseen chance might operate in his favour. The slowest journey, however, comes to an end, and he is now most probably arrived at the end of his. The American steam-vessel Britannia awaits his pleasure at Cherbomg, to waft him to a land where
Kings trouble not and subjects are at rest. CHARLES would be an object of pity, could ire discern even in the wicked measures
that produced his fall, anything but the merest imbecility. The murders in Paris which followed the issuing of the ordinances, were the work not of a madman scatterin his fibrands in sport,
hut of an idiott kindling n (tra in n moplzinc, nut bu ulna% in hood_
lessness as in stupid ignorance of the danger he was causing to himself as well as his enemies. "Shall we who refused to sub-
mit to the lion," said Colonel TITUS, "tamely stand to be de- voured by the wolf?" But CHARLES is not even so respectable an animal as the wolf; he is the blind blundering bear, who would
overturn the hives to steal the honey, ard when the industrious inhabitants lay hold of him by the ears, he runs howling and scrambling out of the scene of his intended mischief, in stupid and painful amaze at the sharp reception he has met with. Such a person, strong only to commit folly, is wholly unworthy of sympathy, because wholly incapable of intellectual suffering. Let
Lim uet his notes cashed and his pension paid, a few servants to pay him the external reverences that he at present receives, and a priest to shrive him, and he will be as happy on the banks of the Mississippi as at the Tuileries. The fate of the ex-ministers of France, against all of whom an impaehment is immediately to be preferred, has been in part as- cettained. Of the capture of two of them the following account appears in the French papers :— " Peyronnet joined one of M. Rothschild's couriers within four perts of Tours ; but on reaching that town, (on the walls of which the tri-
coloured flag was tlyinit,) he got out of the carriage under pretence of
wishing to see the prospect from the bridge, and proposed to rejoin the courier on the other side. Suspicions being excited by the answers given
by the courier to the authorities who examined his passport, his fellow- traveller was sought, and discovered a short distance from the town, and brought in by two of the National Guards. Ile went with them very willingly, and on arriving at the post-office he exhibited his papers, and replied very coolly to all questions asked him, declaring himself to be Jacques Cambon. It was still suspected that he was either Polignac or Peyronnet ; and a person was sent for who was acquainted with the person of the latter, and declared it to be M. Peyronnet. Still the authorities were in doubt ; and it being recollected that M. Forest, former Procureur General, resided in the town, he was sent for. On his arrival the traveller advanced with an easy confidence towards him, and said, with a smile= M. Forest, for I am told that is your name, they say that I am M. dc Peyronnet. Do you
recognise me?' Perfectly,' replied M. Forest, 'you are Count de Pey- ronnet."Well, gentlemen,' said the traveller, 'I am M. de Peyron net, Minister of the Interior, and Peer of France. In that character my per- son is inviolable, and edesire that you will set me at liberty.' The reply was, 'As a Peer tsair person is inviolable, but as Minister of the Interior you are declared a traitor to the nation, and it is our duty to secure your person.' He was then committed to prison ; but it was necessary to send bim under an escort of about 100 men, to protect him from thefury of the people, who seemed disposed to execute summary justice on him. Three National Guards are constantly in his apartment, and a post of 60 men is established at the gate.
"The arrest of M. de Chautelauze, the late Keeper of the Seals, was ac- companied by circumstances as curious as those attending that of M. de Peyronnet. He left Rambouillet, followed by a single servant. He wore a shabby black coat, and a pair of old boots. In his pocket he had only three francs. On approaching the gates of Tours, he beheld the tri-coloured
upon which he quickly retraced his steps and repaired to a small village about a league and a half from the town. His appearance and tattered dress excited some suspicions. He was arrested and conveyed to Tours. When there he refused to tell who he was, and could show no papers. Being sent to prison, he made the required disclosure, and claimed the inviola- bility attached to his chardeter as Deputy. He received the same reply as that given to M. de Peyronnet, namely= As a Deputy you are inviol- able, but as Keeper of the Seals, you are declared a traitor to the nation:, He and Peyronnet are now in the same prison."
A third, Count d'HAussEz, is said to have landed in England. The Premier, POLIGNAC, was first said to have escaped to Brus- sels; the next accounts placed him at Ostend, with a view to em- bark for London ; he was at one time arrested at Calais, and a fourth report, this mottling, says that he is actually here, but in con- cealment.