THE King and Queen left St. James's on Saturday, for Windsor Castle. They breakfasted by the way at Osterly Park, with Lord Jet-. sey ; and arrived at Windsor about six o'clock in the evening. The correspondent of the Herald describes the corporation as very tardy in their homage to their Sovereign ; we do not pretend to give an opinion on the subject—it is not their part to be or appear negligent of the King. In the evening of Saturday, the public were, for the first time since the alterations commenced, admitted to the north and south ter. races of the Castle. The admissions, according to the same authority, were extremely liberal; and many hundreds took advimtage of them, whose visits vere little calculated to do honour to the abode of royalty. The two terraces open to the public (the eastern terrace is not opened as in George the Third's time) are separated by an iron railway with gates: on Saturday and Sunday these gates were kept shut, and in consequence, those that wished to enjoy a sight of both were obliged to go round the whole Castle for that purpose. There is always something wanting to complete mortal happiness. The company -are. accused Of attempts to carve their ILEUMS on the stone belastrades, there being no trees or benches accessible for that purpose. We think a few benches ought to be placed at convenient intervals, in order that John Bull may not be deprived of Isis ancient and favourite pastime. The late King had, it seems, forbidden the use of the Knights' stalls in St. George's Chapel to the dean and canons, because of some improper conduct of those gen- tlemen at the funeral of the Princess Charlotte. His present Majesty, who is the general redresser of grievances great and small, has restored to the reverend officiaries the privilege of which their alleged misconduct had deprived them. The King and Queen attended the Chapel on Sunday; on which occasion the dean and canons occupied the places from which they had long been excluded. In the course of the week, their Majesties have amused themselves in driving about the Great Park, and in inspecting and exhibiting to their royal and noble visitors the nume- rous beauties of the Lodges and of the far-famed (perhaps because little known) cottage at Virginia Water. The King drives a low pony phreton, and the Queen sometimes appears in a carriage, and sometimes an horseback. The Duke of Cambridge and his son arrived intownon Monday, accompanied by the Lancigras hie or Hease Homburg. lle visited Isis Majesty on Tuesday. It is said he means to leave the young Prince in England, for his education, in which case, we presume, as in the case of Prince George of Cumberland, an addition to the Royal Duke's income will be called for. The Duke of Cambridge and his friends excited a good deal of attention on their way from Deptford to town, in consequence of their being mistaken for the ex-King of France and his suite. On the 13th, the Queen's birth-day, the King and Queen proceeded to their favourite Bushy, to-spend the anniversary in a plain family way, according to their old custom ; an instance of simple and honest taste which we have more pleasure in recording than all the etes in which either of them has engaged during the week. The The visiters at Windsor during the week, have been—the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester ; Duke and Duchess of Cumberland, and Prince George ; Duke of Cambridge, and his Prince George ; Landgravine of Hesse Homburg; Prince Frederick of Prussia, who arrived in town on Saturday ; and Prince Leopold who is residing, at the Castle. The fes. tivities intended for the Queen's birth-day at Windsor, have been post- poned to the 21st, in consequence of the absence of the Royal party. The King in expressing his wish for the postponement, was good enough to say, that on the 21st he would join in them" from six o'clock at night to six o'clock in the morning." The people of Windsor were of course veryhighly gratified by this frank and sailor-like communication. At Eton, last night, as well as at Windsor, there were a few very tasteful illumina. tions; gimlet Hampton Court Green, at Clarence Place, and Bushy Gate, there were triumphal arches ; and when the Royal party arrived, the young ladies of Hampton Court walked before them, strewing the road with flowers—somewhat daggled, we may suppose, for it rained "cats and dogs" during this Arcadian ceremony. In the evening there was an illumination and a splendid display of fire-works. Very few illumina- tions took place in London, in consequence of a communication front the Palace that it was the wish of the King that they should be reserved until January, in -which Month it is intended to hold the birth-day of
the Queen in future. •
ROYAL VISIT TO SCOTLAND.—We are enabled to repeat, from the best authority, that the King firmly intends to visit Scotland next summer, and that the Queen and the Duke of Sussex will accompany him. At present it is their Majesties' inttaltion to visit Slains Castle, in Aberdeenehire, the seat of the Earl of Errol, and from thence to hold a royal progress through Aberdeen, Perth, Stirling, and Glasgow, to Edinburgh. The news, which as Ive have already said, we do not give on slight authority, will, we doubt not, excite quite a sensation along the past coast—Edinburgh Observer. "GOLD STICK."—The Duke of Cumberland's resignation of his command in the Guards, and the circumstances which have led to it, occupy discussion at this moment in the military circles, to the exclusion of almost every other topic. • The following account may, we believe, be received as genuine. Shortly after the accession of his present Majesty, the Duke of Cumberland waited on the King, to request that his Ma- jesty would permit him, being his brother, to hold the office of Goa Stick in perpetuity; to which the King demurred, saying that he did riot see how he could do that with propriety, as it was, and always had
been given to the Colonels of the three regiments 'equally and in turn. The King added, that although the Duke was his brother, he did not consider the application to him as regular, but that if made at all, it should be made by him as Colonel to the, and from the latter to the King. The Duke still urged his request, and re- marked, that he could not go to the Commander-in-Chief, because lie was his inferior officer. The King said, be would speak to or consult the Duke of Wellington on the sulaect, which he subsequently did, and the Duke of Wellington told his Majesty he was perfectly right ; that it could not be done ; and that all applications to the Throne, from the Colonels of the three regiments, must come, and always had been made, through the Commander-in-Chief—at least it always was so while he bad the honour to hold that office. No time was lost in acquainting the Duke of Cumberland with this result ; who felt greatly offended, andwrote a very long letter to the King, stating his grievance, complain- ing bitterly that his request was not acceded to, and concluded by ten- dering his resignation to his Majesty of his commission as Colonel of the Blues. The King immediately sent a very laconic reply, merely saying that he accepted it, " and remained his affectionate brother." Subse- quently, the Duke of Cumberland went to Lord Hill, to assure him, that in what had passed, he meant no personal disrespect to him as Com- mander-in-Chief, which Lord Hill said he took for granted, and that he was merely there to obey the orders of his Sovereign, which he hoped he should always be anima to do. The Duke of Cumberland then turned on his heel, and said, " Well, the next time you hear of me, it will most kely be as a Prussian officer."--.Morning Paper.