MURDER OF A • h front :• et,
aeerie. a d !me -se ,o.ler :ind de-
then a revoltieg ease of piracy Helena, belonging to the was hailed on. the 5th of April in la e felucca bearing French colours, and C,• was ordered on beard with hie pepers.
when a band of ruffians se: , 1: • whi. with the, w. Captain eenes hold of, ef t:me steward, ' :own overboard !
I Ian were after- wards beaten on cheek with drawn cetles• „lost in: wounded. Mr.
Potter, the filet officer, was covered e n: set .1 a dreadtut gash at
the arm ; how those who were distelsed of, is un- known to the survivors. Previous to tia: . etches heaving the v a el,
they cut away her masts, and rigging awl all s it overboard ; td:eylie attempted scuttliug her in two places, hut, it, is supposed, remind the sides too hard for their axes. On going on board the felecea, they hauled NO close to the schooner that they were heard laughing, reel fired a shot which passed through both sides of her. The sin:eh:ore were seven in number, the whole complement being twenty. After the captain, doctor, and first officer were disposed of, sentries were placed over the hatchways, who called out for one man to come up at a time ; and in this way they continued till ten of her crew had gone on deck, when those that remained %towed themselves awn y in different parts of the hold, and would not answer, having previously heard one of those who went on deck call out, 4 Good God, what are you going to do? ' and a little afterwards, 'Lord, have mercy upon me !' The felucca left about half-past five ; and as soon as it was dark, one of the people in the hold, not hearing any noise, crept On &ch_ aml, to his great joy,
saw the felucca a long way oil uncle:- a re ,:s It is supposed, that by the e..ertion of a little cote-nes a; e1 activity, the St. Helena might have heaten off the pirate ; but pan ilevias, ainahl of its long gun, ima- gined that by timely Ezibmission their lives would be spared, and Isis cress- were influenced by his example.
MulIDEll.--A murder of a very atrocious character was ce---nitted on Sunday, at a village in the neighbourhood of Durham. It appears that in the afternoon, Mr. ()jiver and his family liad gone to church, leaving a servant girl, and a young man named Clarke, also a servant, at home. About four o'clock. Clarke was seen running- towards Sherborne, in the direction of Durham, calling fin- help and a doctor to the girl. On the people whom his calls had attracted reaching the house, the kaly of the girl was found in the most horrid state imaginable, the skull literally beaten to pieces, and the throat cut front ear to ear. Clarke's account was, that five Irishmen had entered tins house OH the pretence of getting a light ; and that one of them felled the girl with the poker, whereupon he ran up stairs, and made his escape by a window. A search was immediately made in the neig,hbourbooll, and in an adjoining field a sum of money in sovereigns and half-crowns was found, which proved to Isaac been stolen from the house. In the nmeen time, an old woman stated that she had requested a light from Clarke, aid had been refused, on the pretence that the family did not like to be disturbed ; and the same person spoke to Clarke's washing his hands in a brook which drives a mill in the neighbourhood. His shirt-sleeve is torn, and Ids arm is bitten in seve- ral places, as he says in his struggle with the murderer. Clarke has been taken up, and Om Coroner's inquest on the body has been ad- journed for eight days, that the prisoner may have a better chance of an impartial trial than under the present excited state of the country People's feelings he could have. If he had been committed immediately on being seized, he must have been tried at the present Assizes. Tithe proof were sufficient, we think it is a pity that he was not. Punish- ment is ever most valuable when it follows hard on the heels of crime.
PROGRESS OF VICE.--Two boys, one thirteen and the other fourteen years of age, were committed from Marylebone Police-office on Monday, charged with stealing goods above five pounds in value. The offence is capital. John Mason, a police' sergeant who took the boys into custody said, after Brown thr elder of the two was in his charge, he told him that it would be better for him if he stated how he came by the ribands ; On which he stated that a boy of the name of Westley, living with Mr.
stroying everything t" " to their esemost wish in ri most systemanic and di:Cs::: Harris aim had been els f..d
anewith Dr. lildeddel, ee who is one of the survive., ,1 ea."; "Some of the crew ed.:, wit:le:sell tan: e • Jones, at No. 09, Tottenhara Court Road, had given them to him to mind. He mentioned the circumstance to 3Ir. Jones, and they then proceeded to search Westley's box, in which he found a quantity of silk handkerchiefs, ribands, gloves, and a gold eye-glass. On Westiey's re. turn home he took him into custody, and on searching him he found attached to his braces a leather purse, in which was a IN. note, two sovereigns five half-crowns a crown piece, and ls. Gd. in his pocket. Mr. Rawinson —" You said to Brown that it would be better for him if he told you all: now I should wish to know what has he benefited by the admission ? " Mason—" Arbliiiny as I know of." Westley, iii reply to the charge, said he and BrOW11 went to the Union National School together ; and on his Ow, to Mr. Jones, Brown used to meet him, and ask him to get a silk handkerchief for kiln. A brother of Brown, who is younger, els° asked him to get handkerchiefs. After that Brown vanted seine money, and told him torah the till; on which he took out the 10/. note.
CHARGE or Poisosixo.---A young woman named Griffiths was charged on Monday, at Hatton Garden, with an attempt to poison a • lady named Turner. It appeared that the water for Mrs. Turner's tea had been handed from her master's kitchen (Mrs. Turner was a lodger)
by Griffiths, under very suspicious circumstances. Mrs. Turner's servant girl and herself were extremely ill after taking the tea ; and some drops of liquid thrown on the gown of the former by Griffiths, were found to have burnt it. No direct evidence that the tea was poisoned was forth. coming; and the case was in consequence remanded. - HARD DRINEING.-4,coruneNury sat. on.Thursday night on the
,ody of a young man named Kline, nviisa was alleged to have died from I: 'lows inflicted by a companliSn named Lee. It appeared, however, that !there were no marks of violence on the body, and that in reality Knife died from inflammation of the chest. A witness, named Cobb, stated at Bow Street, that he had repeatedly struck the deceased, and the poor fellow had been confined four days on a charge of murder in consequence. He now denied the whole of bis_previous testimony. ,ithe 'jury gave t the following verdict :—.'effiatirte deceased came by his death from in. 11 tlieinmation 'caused- by ekeessive drinking and ever exertion in fighting. 4 At the same time, the jurors have to express their regret at the absence ..
of time police, whose presence was so ranch needed, and might have pre.. vented the mischief that had oceurred."—Lee was bound in his own recognizance to appear at the next session to answer any charge that might be preferred against him, and then dismissed. DETERMINED SUICIDE—Thursday night, about nine o'clock, a most determined act of self-destruction took place at the chambers of George Rose, Esq., the Chancery Barrister, No. 6, New Square, Lin. coin's Inn. At about the time above stated, the laundress went into the chambers, as was her usual custom, to close the shutters, and to see that all was safe. She entered at the front door, and was proceeding towards Mr. Rose's private room, when, near a closet, she put her foot into some water—as she at first thought, but upon looking on the floor, she found it was a large quantity of clotted blood, which appeared to have come fronz the closet. The woman was terribly alarmed, and ran down stairs for assistance ; she met with a policeman, and they returned into the cham- bers together, when, upon opening the closet door, they discovered the lifeless body of Mr. Thomas Olive, the principal clerk to Mr. Rose, lying with the head nearly severed from the body, and a wash-hand bason filled with blood, together with a blood-stained razor, lying by his side. The unhappy man appeared to have made two attempts before he finally effected his melancholy and dreadful purpose, as the chin neat the lower lip was mangled most frightfully. Information of the horrid affair was forwarded immediately to Mr. Rose, who had gone to dine with a fu hind, and the melancholy intelligence was communicated to tine wife of the unfortunate man, and such was the effect of the shock produced, that her life is despaired of. The deceased was about the middle age, and was in good circumstances, being possessed of a good property, besides a salary of 1501. per year, so that no cause can be assigned for his commit- ting the sad act. He has left a widow end five children to deplore his untimely end--A Coroner's inquest yesterday sat oil the body, and re.. turned a verdict of—Temporary Insanity.