GOODWOOD RACES. - Tuesday, the first day of these celebrated
races, was very unpropitious, the rain descending in torrents. The company was consequently not so numerous as it would otherwise have • been ; but still there was a host of fashionables.-the Duke and Duchess of Richmond, the Dukes of Portland and Argyll, Lords Exeter, Wor- cester, Tavistock, Errol, Verularo, Jersey, Stradbroke, Uxbridge (and family), James and John Fitzroy, Villiers, Andover, C. Somerset, G. and A. Lennox, and G. Bentinck ; Honourable T. Duncombe ; Sirs J. Shelley, H. Vivian, G. Bamfylde, J. Fraser, and M. Wood ; Colonels Russell, Cosby, and Wyndham ; Captains Bulkely, Grant, Hunter, Gardnor, Byng, Burrell, Rous ; Messrs. Irby, Greville, F. and A. Berkeley, F. Mills, Rush, Stonehewer, Gratwicke, and a great many of the principal supporters of the turf-presenting a list of nobility and gentry unprecedented at any other meeting in the kingdom, excepting
i • Ascot n its best days. On Wednesday the weather improved, and the company became numerous as well as fashionable.
• Tuesday.-The first race was the St. Leger Stakes of 25 sovereigns each, for three- year-old colts, five subscribers, and was won cleverly by Lord Egremont's Brother to Grampus, beating the Duke of Richmond's Dreamer.
• This was followed by the Cowdray Stakes of 25 sovereigns each, for three-year-
• olds, three subscribers, and was won by Mr. Gully's Donzelli, beating Duke of Richmond's Confederacy. and Mr. Gardnor's King William.-Donzelli was claimed for 200 sovereigns according to conditions. . The Drawing Room Stakes of 25 sovereigns each, for three-year-old colts and fillies, 48 subscribers to the bonus of 10 sovereigns each, and 26 subscribers of 25 sovereigns each, value 11301. Once round. About two miles and a half.
Mr. Maberlry's Erymus (Pavis).. ...... ...... . • Lord Exeter's Mahmoud 2 Sir M. Wood's Cetus .
. The following also started but were not placed Mr. Stonehewer's Variation, Mr. -11.1dsdale's Clio, Lord Tavistock's Gondolier, Lord Egremont's Brother to Grampus, Duke of Richmond's Refugee, Mr. Gratancles Frederica, and Mr. Grant's The Balkan. At the stand Erymus had machthe best of it, but immediately after the
other two made a desperate rush, and got nearly to evens with him. The last three or tour strides were very severe, Erymus winning by u neck only, and Mahmoudl beating Cetus a head.
The Levant Stakes of 50 sovereigns each, 30 ft. for two-year-old colts and fillies, half mile, three subscribers was won by the Duke of Richmond's Conciliation, beating Mr. Grant's Brother to Bud. The Goodwood Stakes of 25 sovereigns each, and 10 added. Once round. Fifty- nine subscribers, of whom 1 I paid 25 sovereigns each, 14 paid 15 each, and 34 others only five sovereigns each. Value 705/.
Mr. Borth's Aaron, 4 yrs. old, 7st. 1311). (F. Buckle)
Mr. Butheley's b. f. Bustle, 3 yrs. old, t■st. 7th. • . • • 2 - Lord Uxbridge's Bough Robin, 5 yrs. old, fist. 10th .......... 3 The following also started but were not placed Lord Jersey's Juryman, Cot. Cosby's Masanielli■, Mr. lIhrgs's Whisk, Mr. Golly's Donzelli, Mr. Stonehewsr's The Fairy, Mr. Poyntes The Gawry, and Lox d Verulam's Whip. A Sweepstake of five sovereigns each, with t5 added; the winner to be sold for 80 sovereigns, &c., heats one mile, concluded the day's sport, mot was won at three heats by Mr. Day's 1, m. Proille beating Mr. Maberley's C. by Middleton' Mr. Biggs's Negress, and Lord Uxbrid..e's J 'wen's, Mr. Sherwood's Barmaid, Mr. St uckbury's Blue 'Bonnet, and Mr. liarrisou's Wigwam drawn.-Won cleverly. The winner claimed.
Wednerdny.-Lord Jersey's Juryman beat Colonel Cosby's Masaulello, 100 sore- reigns each, h. ft., onco round. Won easy. The Ladies' Plate of 55/. added to a Sweepstakes of five sovereigns each-heats one mile, four sal:se:Piers-was Wan IT Lord Uxbridge's Rough Robin; beating Mr. Ricardo's IAD C11,1 eria a :tad Mr. Thornhill's Cores. Won very easy. The Goodwood Cu}. value 850 Says. anti 560 curs. in specie. Once round.
Ills Majesty's Fleur de Lis, aged, list. 91b. (Nelson) . ... .... 1
Ills Majesty's Zinganee, S yrs. old, 10t. (J. Day) 2
His Majesty's The Colonel, 5 yrs. old Pist. (Pay's) 3 Lord Exeter's Green Mantle, 4 yrs. old 9st. 31b. (Doekeray) 4 Sir. Gram's Lady Emily. 4 yrs. old, 8st. 131b.
Duke of Richmond's ltefttee, 3 yrs. old, 7 10Ib. (Chapple) Lord Jersey's Glenartney, 6 yrs. old, 9$t. 91b. (Robinson) 7
Mr. Ridsdale's Tranby, 4 yrs. old, ist. 31b. (Wheatley) Lake of Richinemi's ilincluo, 4 yrs. old, list. 31b. (Boyce).... ...... 9
The Nine's lot came to the post in y rime condition, Zinganee looking so greatly improved that he became first favourite, at 3 to 1, Fleur de Lis at 7 to 2, Hindu() at 11 to 2, Lady Emily at 6 to Glenartney and The Colonel each at S to 1, and Green Mantle at Pt to 1. The Colonel sprung off with the lead at a slapping pace, Re- fugee following hint, then the old mare, Lady Emily, and the others being well up, except Tranby, who did not appear to have the slightest ambition to get in front. This position was maintained to the second turn, about half the distance, when Ilen.we drew upon The Colonel, forcing him into stronger running. The increased leme proved too laaC h for Refugee, who declined, after going a short distance. Fleur de Lis, Green Mantle, Ziltga nee, and Lady Emily then got together (the Co- lonel still leadlop), and prett y close to the tut n for stri.iglit running, where Lady Emily gave up here Hi ndoo, Glenartney, Refugee, and Tranby were beat clean off; Green Mantle, 'hoWever, was Out yet defeated ; Nelson therefore stuck to her to make sore, seeing the King's other two in advance; about two distances from home Green Mastic failed, and then Nelson went to work for himself; he ran up to The Colonel, was tolerably close with him to the Stand, and there got the best of him ; John Day then nuole his push and cont rived to pass The Colonel, but could not manage the mare, wim beat Lim nearly two lengths, The Colouel being about length hehind 2inga nee. All three ran exceedingly well, particularly the old mare, who won the Cup here last year, beating a line field. Zinganee is decidedly im- proved, and The Colonel, considering the strulag play he made, was in good place. Nelson's riding was of the very first description. His Majesty won the Oxford Cup a few days back, and has now gained thy most superb one ever run for in this country. Produce Sweepstakes of 1C0 says. each, three subs., mile and a quarter-Duke of Richmond's Urea received.
Doke of Richmond's Confederacy, 3 yrs, old, ist. 71b. beat Col. Cosby's Caradorl, 4 yrs. old, 8st. rib., 100, Ii. f. T. Y. C. Won by six lengths.
A Free Bantlicap of 25 sors. each, three-quarters of a mile, was won by Mr. Grant's The Balkan beating Mr. Stonehower's The Fairy, and Dlr. Gardner's Entine- Won by two lengths. The Waterloo Plate of 50/.-T. Y. C.-Heats to be rode in cocked hats.-.- The winner to be sold for 100, &c.
Col. Cosby's Caradori, 4 yrs.10st. 71b. 3 Bigg's Negress, 4 yrs. 10st. 71h. (Captain Berkeley). 2
Sir.Harrison's Almaviva, 3 yrs. 'Jet. 71b. (Mr. Dehne) 1
1 2 1 2
1 2 dr.
Tharsday.-The returns are as follows:- The Molecumb Stakes of 50 sovereigns each, 30 ft. for 2 yrs. old ; colts, Sot. 71b.; fillies Set. 211.P.V.C. Six subscribers.
Mr. Forth's b. f. by Emilius, d. by Pioneer, (F. His Majesty's 141. Lisbeth, !Nelson) ........... 2 , C to 4 on Lisbetit. Won cleverly.
Match 50 sovereigns. Mr. liarrison's Miss Craven, 6 yrs. list. 71b. received from Mr. Codrinetutes Rembralult, 5 yrs. list.
Sweepstakes of 25 sovereigns each, 13 ft. Onea round. Three subscribers.-Mr. Bulteley's Bustle walked over.
.5.1;itelt sovereigns.-Mr. W. Day's Zodiac, Out. 10lh, received from Mr. Har- rison's Miss Craven, I 1st. 411,. The Duke of Richmond's Plate of 1001. One Mile.
Lord Uxbridge's Rough Rubin, 4 yrs. 9$it. CItis. (Arnull)....., Lord Tavistoeies Gondolier, 3 yrs. 8st. 71b. J. 2
Poke of Richmond's Refugee, 3 yrs. 7st. 121b. 3 The following also started bat were not placed :-Mr. Gardner's Emmeline, Mr. Cosby's MasLniello, Mr. Harrison's Miss Craven, Mr. Bulkeley's Bustle, and Mr. Tliornhili's Corea, 3 yrs. 7st.
A tine race, Robin winning by a neck only.
The Members' Plate of 501.; the winner to le sold for 200.1. ikc. Heats, once round. Lera Egret:to:a's brother to tirampits, 8 yrs. 7st. 41b. (Mann) .. 1 1
Mr. Uarrison's Miss Craven, 6 yrs. list . lib. 2 2
Mr Gard aer's King William, 3 yrs. 7s1. 41b. 3 3
The winner was claimed.
Betting.-The near approach of the Doncaster races gives interest to every movement in the St. Leger betting. 2 to 1 agst. Priam-8 to 1 agst. Moss Ro5e-10 to I agst. ilassa n-14 to 1 agst. Maria-16 to I agst. the Cardinal-1S to I agst. St. Nicholas-0 to 1 agst Brunswicher-20 to 1 agst.Raby-20 to 1 agst Lady Mowbray.