14 AUGUST 1852, Page 1

In France, the " feast of eagles " is anticipated

with curiosity if not with deep interest. Petitions calling upon the Senate to take the initiative in a movement to place the imperial crown on the brows of the President are circulated in the departments. Peti- tions to this effect are said to have been signed by twenty thousand

electors in the de ent of the Meuse. " Son Altease, since his return from Strasbourg, has been affecting privacy and retirement; whence g suspicion arises that he has some new coup in prepara- tion. A rescript has been promulgated permitting a few of the most distinguished exiles to return to France ; a measure un- charitably ascribed to the sinister design of sowing jealousies and distrust among the influential opponents of Louis Napoleon. Whilst the surveillance and control of the press are exercised with increasing rigour, efforts are made to extend the circulation of the Government journals and enlist new talent into the ranks of their contributors.