The following prisoners were yesterday placed at the bar charged
with being concerned in the Stockport riot—George Pell, tailor ; William But- tery, green-grocer ; Mark Gleave, mechanic; Samuel Preston, steam-loom weaver ; Thomas Walker, throstle-jobber ; John Slater, overseer of weavers ; Thomas Edwards, mill-warper ; William Walker, shoemaker ; and Samuel Williamson and Joseph Birch, who had been out on bail. The evidence taken was of the same kind as that brought against the Irish prisoners ; but only the witnesses for the prosecution were heard, and the witnesses for the defence were to be examined today. As far as it has been taken, the evidence proves the general riot and the participa- tion of the prisoners in the sacking of the house of the priest, Mr. Frith, and the chapel at Edgeley.