Tomorrow will be a great day in Paris. Louis Napoleon
is to review the National Guards in the morning, and treat the Dames de la Hallo to a grand ball in the evening. The Guards will be drawn up on each side of the Champs Elysoe from the Place de la Concorde to the Barriers de l'Etoile. After the review, a sham naval fight between two steamers, with their boats, and a frigate, will take place on the Seine, in the pre-
sence of the President. This will be followed by regatta. . a The ball, which will wind up the follies of the day, will be given in a large wooden erection in the Marche des Innocents+. The refreshments ordered by the President for the ball are to consist of 50,000 ices, 60,000 glasses of 'segue, 20,000 biscuits, 20,000 pieces of brioches, and 20,000 cakes of various kinds. The service will be performed by 150 servants.
It is rumoured that M. Bonaparte intends to convert his title into that of "Emperor Napoleon the Second" [or Third?] tomorrow. But it is hardly probable that he would select a fete-day for that purpose.
At the distribution of prizes in the Lycee Bonaparte, on Thursday, some of the pupils hissed and groaned at the mention of the "Nephew of the founder."
A violent storm caged yesterday in Paris, and injured some of the ar- rangements for the fete of the 15th.
The Journal d'Indre et Loire of the 11th instant contains some good news for the Marquis of Londonderry.
"Yesterday morning, five of the Arab families who were taken prisoners and brought to France with the ex-Emir, Abd-el-Kader, quitted the Chi- teau d'Amboise' where they have been detained, in order to return to their own country. These five families, comprehending about twenty-five per- sons, left under the conduct of M. de Brunier, Captain of the Forty-first Regiment of the Line, detached at Amboise, and of M. Charles Gabaud, in- terpreter, by the eight o'clock convoi, which was to conduct them to Chateau- roux. From Chateauroux they would be led, by Nevers and Lyons, to Mar- seilles ; where they would embark for Algiers. Among the prisoners who are thus about to recover their liberty, are the four brothers of Abd-el-Kader- Sidi-Mohammed-Said, Sid-el-Mustaphe, Sid-Heussein, and Sid-Hamed, but none of the %alias of the Emir. Owing to their departure, the number of the detenus at the Chateau d'Amboise will be reduced to forty persons."