14 AUGUST 1869, Page 1

The accounts received from Spain this week of the Carlist

move- ment are almost unintelligible. Three statements and two rumours seem, however, to have some foundation. The statements are that Don Carlos is still in Spain, that Prim is afraid to quit the capital lest there should be a movement there, and that his subor- dinates are shooting rebels in batches without examination of any kind. The rumours are, that the reserves are to be called out— not a bad plan, considering that if left at home they might join the wrong side—and that Prim has offered the crown to Don Luis, of Portugal. This is the old idea of the Iberian Union again, and will require a previous "transaction " of some kind with the Emperor Napoleon, who would not approve it at all. All this misery, present and to come—for Spain is sweeping towards a Red Revolution—might have been avoided if Don Ferdinand had not preferred his selfish ease to the work of ruling Spain. The Royal caste is slowly unwinding of itself the mystic thread which has bound mankind so long.