Improved dwellings for working-men in London pay. Sir Sydney Waterlow's
Company have comfortably housed 4,515 per- sons, and although the half-year has been a bad one, Mr. Disraeli having raised the rates some 60 per cent. by abolishing the com- pound howieholder in order to make it appear that he adhered to Tory principles, the profit on the six months has been at the rate of 8 per cent. per annum. The Company, however, only divides 5, carrying the balance to a reserve fund. The shares will very soon be turned into stock, the Company can now obtain money when they want it, and they propose gradually to increase their operations. Those operations must be extended one hundredfold before the evil to be met is sensibly reduced, but the Company has performed one incalculable service. It has shown that in great cities, at all events, the people can be housed without receiving alms.