A majority in the French Assembly have resolved, according to
the Times' Paris correspondent, to spoil the next Assembly as far as they can. They have determined to plase all past Cabinet Ministers, Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the Chamber, Am- bassadors and Generals with seats, and Qu2stors in the Senate. The list includes, among others, MM. Thiers, Picard, De Broglie, Buffet, Decazes, Jules Favre, Dufaure, Leon Say, Pouyer- Quertier, Magee, De Cissey, Jules Simon, Waddington, Batbie, Wallon, De is Rochefoucauld, Chaudordy, Grevy, D'Audiffret Pasquier, Benoist D'Azy, with Generals Chanzy, Ducrot, and D'Aurelles, besides many others less widely known. In other words, they propose to gut the Chamber, which will retain all substantive power, of all its experienced men, except Gambetta, and leave it in the hands of a new majority, guided by persons without experience either of debate or of the necessities of administration. Such a Chamber is sure either to be timid or to get out of hand, while the Senate will engross all capacities, but exercise no power. We never heard of a more dangerous scheme, which is defended because it obviates the danger of any party being bribed with Senatorial seats. Because, that is, a dissolution may be secured if Conservatives are tempted with seats, the new Chamber is to be left without M. Grevy.