The Icelanders' are appealing for English help, and appear to
deserve it. They are excellent people, always struggling with their climate, and they have been this year overwhelmed with misfortunes. On Easter Monday a terrific eruption of a volcano in Dyngjiiffgoll coveied a whole district with ashes from one W- eight inches thick, and destroyed all grass for the cattle, and mores recently the northern crater of the same group has been pouring, out molten lava. The Icelanders unaffected by the visitation can do but little, the Danish Government apparently will do nothing, and unless fodder is sent from England all the cattle will perish. It should be sent, and sent at once. We rather wonder that some Colony like New Zealand, which needs industrious labourers, does not send an agent to Iceland, and see if it would not be possible to tempt away the entire popu- lation, to be settled all together in a separate district. The American agents failed, but they seemed to think Icelanders could live anywhere, and offered them homes in Alaska, or some such. hopeless region. The Northerners can be happy at home, bit when the quit home they thirst for the South.