The Cologne Gazelle gives the text of the proclamation issued
to the inhabitants of Warsaw by Prince Leopold of Bavaria. We say without hesitation that it is one of the most unjust and one of the wickedest of all the German violations of international usage. The proclamation begins with the Peek. sniffia,n statement that the Germans only wage war against hostile troops and not against peaceful citizens. The citizens of Warsaw are next urged to take no hostile action, to trust to the German sense of justice, and to obey the instructions of the Army commanders. Prince Leopold then proceeds to threaten the unfortunate inhabitants in the true spirit of German frightfulness :— "It has, however, come to the knowledge of the German military , authorities that the enemylas prepared attacks against the safety of our troops in Warsaw. Therefore I am compelled to take as hostages the leaders and most prominent eitizens of the town, who • will be pledged for the security Of our troops. With you it rests to protect the lives of these fellow-citizens of yours."'