14 AUGUST 1915, Page 3

The proclamation sheds a curious sidelight upon the German boast

that the Germane have been well received in Warsaw and that the Poles look upon them in the light of liberators. We may be sure that if this were so there would be no need of Prince Leopold's proclamation. It should be noted also that nothing is now said as to the German Emperor's public entrance into the city. Presumably that is postponed till Warsaw has been taught a lesson and its inhabitants thoroughly cowed by the shooting of hostages. Quite apart from the morality of the proceedings, we are convinced that the Germans have made a great mistake in dealing thus with a people so high-spirited as the Poles. If the Germans do not take care they may find that it is no joke to have on their hands a city of three-quarters of a million people whom they have goaded to madness by ill-treatment.