"Th e Spectator" Crossword No. 20?
[A prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correc solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes shoulo be marked " Crossword Puzzle,". and should be received not later that first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon of Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The nani of thi winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes containim solutions must bear a three halfpenny stamp, otherwise they ari surcharged on delivery.] ACROSS 1. This pursuivant wears the dress of Lycidas. (Two words.) 8. rev. Makes 2,240 lbs. weigh 14.
10. A good thing to put by for a rainy day.
12. Division in a chequer pattern.
14. This eating instrument has been immortalised by Tschaikowaky.
16. Ought to make this a consideration.
17. Makes an ave polite.
18. " Whatever . . . could in- quire for, For every why he had a wherefore."-Butler.
20. The kind of sauce which called forth the indigna- tion of Serjeant Buzfuz.
21. A rope is used in this dramatic performance.
22. Goods on the sea-bed.
24. Tried to show.
25. Suppresses-slang.
27. rev. First name of an Ara- bian Nights' hero.
28. Every time that.
31. rev. " To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land, And read their history in a nation's . . .
32. "Let none admire That riches grow in hell ; that soil may best . . the precious bane."
33. rev_ }of 13. . You willfind this has DOWN
1. A dwelling, you well may blow about I,
2. rev. What to put upon thi skin at the foot ?
3. He collaborated Chatrian.
4. A diving' duck.
6. A Shelley title that begins with an expression of grief.
6. I would amount to nothing in this.
7. Mimicry that's never put on, 8. Tiny reel (swag.). '
9. rev. Megrims.
11. This juice is obliged to!
12. Pelts with missiles-often at table too !
13. Miraculous as it may seem, these tubes hold a Great Lake !
15. rev. The taste of a drop of blood ? - 19. " . . , which makes the politician wise, And see through all things with his half-shut eyes."
23. "My heart . . . s, and a drowsy numbness pains."
26. rev. This vast quantity can be got out of 4; 9, or 13.
29. Verses.
30. Brings the above to disasters.