Travels With a Tent in Western Europe. By R. M.
Lockley. (Odhams. 15s.) ANYONE, it is said, can write an autobio- graphy ; but those who can write an auto- biography which is also good literature are very few. The same might be said of travel books. Because one has journeyed in an unusual manner from A to B, via X, Y and Z, it is easy to write about it. But to write well about it is another matter.
Mr. Lockley takes us through France, Switzerland and Germany to Denmark, Sweden and Norway, then back through the Low Countries to France and England. It is an interesting enough route and there are times when Mr. Lockley makes it so. He has a remarkable knowledge of birds, for instance, and whatever he is writing about them he holds one's attention. There are, too, some pleasing descriptions • of European scenery. But the stiltedness of the dialogue and the lack of any shape to the story make the journey fairly rough going.
L. K.