14 AUGUST 1959, Page 21

Th e Dev lin Report The Provost of Wakefield, K. Stewart and

Richard Jones, Harry P. Swan, Jeremy Kingston The British Radical - B. P, Henshall, J. F. Thomson koger Casement

Peter Singleton-Gates, S. Knox Cunningham, NIP eaves in Vallombrosa the Patriot Game

A Dr. Johnson Quotation groucho's Dance Handicapped Children Ecce Homo' Phonevision Llangollen Eisteddfod Achars The Cower Peninsula Sews and Gentlemen

Isabel Quigly Dominic Behan A. F. Giles Richard Mayne Kathleen Windham A. C. Townsend P. Levy, Rev. Nick Earle Violet Alford W. G. Daish Bennitt Gardiner. John Levy THE DEVLIN REPORT

SIR,—As a friend of many years' standing of the 1Pectator, I feel at length constrained to write to you INN ask whether these long-continued, bitter criticisms °t Mr. Macmillan, Mr.' Selwyn Lloyd, Mr. Lennox- li,,)Yd and other members of the Government—the `'fficulties of whose task can hardly be over-rated- r'aY not be brought to a close or, at any rate, if not brought to a close, whether they may not be mitigated acir suspended for a merciful space. The Spectator, for p.ennsiderable time. has seemed quite unable to leave them alone, and 1 feel sure that the repeated and h4Ping criticisms, not only by Taper but by others, 1°1Never amusing the former may be, will not be h°ing the paper any good. In the last few months 1 have come across three really influential people who "aye ceased to read the Spectator for this reason. I respect the policy which the Spectator claims—, hreeIY to criticiSe any ministry. which may be in ',°1ver—but is it not. in these sustained and personal attacks, losing a sense of fair play as well as of pro- 'ortion?—Yours faithfully,

Cathedral Vicarage, Wakefield


I, [St his letter is referred to in our leading article.-- s-klitor, Spectator.]
