SIR,—Foolish comments sometimes have been written through the years on the Llangollen International Eisteddfod, but rarely have I read so inept a report as yours of July 24. Your representative could have, had little relish for or knowledge of what—she, ' think—was looking at and hearing. The impression she gives is of a poor sort of affair, of no particular interest, 'all sweetness and light music.' The high standards and home-truths of the adjudi; cations frequently preclude sweetness. The light music calls for choral works by Weelkes, Purcell, Monteverdi, Mozart and the rest. The strangenes' inherent in real folk dance and custom allows 11° place for such expressions as 'folk gimmickry.'
Your representative's ignorance or dislike of inusi,: dance and costume, could only record belittlement and facetiousness not shared by the immense anno:n audience.—Yours faithfully, VIOLET ALF08