Foot in the back
Sir: 1 find myself in agreement with every word of criticism which Paul Foot levels at Mr Wilson in his review of the latter's memoirs. There is, however, a point which puzzles me. During the last election, I attended a meeting here in Hampstead arranged by the local Labour Party branch and addressed by the same Paul Foot. He told us that he was going to vote Labour. In other words, he was one of those influential people who helped in the triumph of the same Mr Wilson whose whole record he now castigates.
Paul Foot is a clever chap and must have known long ago that the leader of his party was no true socialist. Furthermore, even if he hadn't:the prescience to realise this before Mr Wilson took office (which a clever chap should have had), it must be remembered that the meeting I refer to took place after we had already had, two years' experience of Mr .Wilson In office. I find it faintly nauseating to see Mr Foot joining the swelling army of those who once flocked to the Wilson banner and now clobber their former hero — without word to suggest that they maY ever have been at fault in their own judgment,
A. Potts 33 Redington Road, NW3.