The Ministerial newspapers haN, discovered a means of extreme annoyance
to the Tories. They accuse them of plotting with King recent visit of Lord STUARTDE ROTHESAY to Han )6- aftti':11inag ERNEST to depose Queen Vre'roara.; and it is insfauml--ttlat a to obtain his Majesty's instructions to that end t,,L, frii* is only one specimen of' a party trick extensively praotsicrthrough- out the country. Members of Parliament, as well writers in newspapers, talk of Tory plots to dethrone the %nee, ac though believing in their actual existence. Any thint more absurd it. is impossible to conceive ; and Tories who vent indignation in reply to such raving, are none of the wisest. They who have a right to anger, are the persons to whom the trash is addressed as truth. To tell a man that a Tory plot is formed to place ERNEST on VieroetA's throne, expecting that the man will believe you, is equivalent to calling him an enormous fool. That such superlative nonsense is swallowed, however, by gobe-mouches in town and country, is a humiliating fact : that the Ministerialists expect to derive advantage from the lie, is also credible, or they would not take the trouble to give it currency. Reason and argument on the subject are superfluous, otherwise we might ask whether Lord MELBOURNE is in the plot ; since in May last he quietly made over the Government to the traitors, and is probably prepared to do the same again next May, or sooner.