14 DECEMBER 1839, Page 11


Arrived-.At Gravesend, Dec. 12th, Ann Jane, Stubbs, from China. At Ilettl, 12th,

StrathedA•n, Clic:11.e, from In the Channel, Reliance, Martinis; awl George It,,, Fourth, Drayuer, from (316:;:t. Ant iota Packet, .11.KitiJ,Iit 'mat Itoyal William,

Irvine, from Bengal; and Pali,tine, Snits, front N'ew Wales. At Iaverpool, 10th, Mary Somerville, llookey; Sinnott, Ittrxtatile; Mai. Mary Attu Webb, Lovd, from Bengal. Off ditto, 12th, Crown, —, from Ilontbay. At St. Ifelena. Oct. 11111,

Stokh•y, front China; Frank land, lIarrison; Enterprise, —; and Ann Loclutrbv,—, front Bengal ; 12th, Orleatia, Camden, from Matdlla; St. %lucent, atudate; from China 14th, Theresa. 'Comm; 16th, Bengali'.', Hamlin; Nine, Denti ; and 18th, "IfOlDt, 'lowland, from Bengal ; and October 2.1.0,1, Buckle, from China. At the C:me. Septenther 25th, Vixen, l'alawr S.Ttenther 29th, Kinnear, 1%fallard ; Sevember 30th, llopkinsou, Stephens; ()etcher 2.1. :NI :ay, 11•Atiley ; tool t;ratitutle, Bobluson, from I.' salon; 3d. :Maitland, Raker; and iii Eleatiora, Wallace, from Bengal; y111011S, from Ceylon ; atet 1■•.1,o, fttnn Manilla, Al Bombay, Oct. Ilth, Regular, Buda, Con., Ii, erpool. At

Sept. 25111, Phottaenet, —, front London; . 1.1 1:wet, Boyd. front ii I i; and 4111, Solin2:T:1mm, —, front laitolon. At N's,' $t,M11 Bate, .%1'.1:iti,ay, aunt the ('vile; 23.1, )1•Donald; and it•th, hoot London ; July Currie. from I.iverpool ; 24; I,. Ells: Renown, ttordon; Fergn Bebe, 1..on ; Achilles, Veale; Crews, It,,,, London; 2511t, Highlander, l' Coolly ; and Heber, Thomas, ; Stivolttielilsitye, Spence, front I. ;Mon.

S:illial—Ft.on Livery, il, It••0. 7t I,, Min Km .x, Thompson, for It rabay; and 911t, 1.5wrence, Elwood, tor llengal.


ed---CHT .1fark:ite, Wikilley, from the Cape. to the Downs, Lord

W. Boutinek. St.:et:toy; and Ilashony, Buckle, Ram China. Prince lic,:ent, Thompson, from Batavia, Tig.is, Symons, front Ceylon ; and Dash, Barber front the Cape.