14 DECEMBER 1839, Page 2

An entire change has been effected in the Portuguese Cabinet.

By the advice of the Marquis SALDANHA and the Duke of' PAL- RELLA, the Queen dismissed the Baron SAnaosA and his colleagues, and appointed the following to their offices— President of Council and Minister of War, Conde De Bomrtm; Secretary of State, Home Department, B. DE FONSECA MAaArmAr.s : Secretary of State, Foreign Department, Visconde Dr. CATtREMA ; Secretary of State, Marine and Colonies, Comic DE VILLA HEM.; Secretary of State, Justice and Ecclesiastical A tfairs, A. B. DA COSTA CABRAL ; Secretary of State, Finance, FLon I DA lioDuxaCES Pr.0 MR A FEB R A z. The Conde de Bomfim was named also :Minister ad interim for Foreign Alhiirs and Marine, during the absence of the ‘'isconde de Carreira, now Minister at Paris, and the Combs do Villa Beal, who is staying in the North of Portugal.

It is believed that the new Ministry are disposed to cultivate the friendship of England.