14 DECEMBER 1850, Page 13

We d6 fib oniselqedWithttie OkiPeortilltios of the s a tt en t sreoo , a ccount

of fietPittlireadsurftioe,viewkrandiditrering from leni Hirer& dentids tilthe . biasses- for; Whtle knItOillthStAiTer6itie..1! shOultiobsruitatsbeheVtalf4Itgu5Plan, f 118Pn .011t sag-. Irk1* A t A erred tan- any

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+es -7tIoklifilitteteertiotheimaldi ea&Lttie ;Any hodims in the man Siitt off totuitali di:Went:1v iii4431 .thal.P,Y• trok sd sofbto e,Yirrigt#1,2i .111k Ti-



p -WIN, A of Strike us' , URA sat mallets ithe itT2; the Meat' telf!rlifirnikpliiich is torae.


■ ‘• le. n tt istoi ib-in laige 7raisakril-r4letbkin Ithe, Oltenia' aye- MO riff die 'ties snel? their ex Wad uaef qpiTo,uld obtain iiiiiisopeissiblei. -offered the Universities the Tv, WI we have gestien .whiph seemed to us a sign 'tennivement from aathin. Du we cannot trust implicitly to boffies so inert, and apparently iiiCapablc-of reading the signs of the times ; and failing (as we fear) their power of self-action, we must, though distrustful of Downing Street from Old.experienee, accept what is wanted even at its hands.]