Hilda ow ,ertaan 'if - dr . ..MN' HMI ialsOf' 142 lbtliaitra silt 09110 U A 1 49r4
OW haVAISAtsfiliXibubihnileestblis taletit daft. llsitaSagy-
Seat*: 4tilii FA 1900W:if/Ins heelisiiglikylifealitiiiflale.
es aF f)144140T1y‘n#91tRi nitlet4/ entirely poy09,, .14,pp lie; 10,t .41•444 .litc afs4f4iPt4410* rilnentoire. Tbeie qv -ix-J. :9 John, Aril Oa st f A1N1110% 4 the only fragment of the " secon "pairl ,s. JR:a ?.- at the head of which may be nriieectilie wan ,n.u4ter The three parts: are all 'admirably suited' , astst, precisely, cause they all ght- him some, definite feeling' err icisition to' portnt :and: do not abanthin him to the vaguely poetical:- The imeasinessF John's :mind when conceiving the death. of - Arthur, shown by " long i pause . Which' precedes - rthesfirstslaint . to Hnhert—the fea' fo. look still/ into:{ 114bert'-s,,face—:the- delight' when he feels that this meaning has been fapprehended-s-ia exactly' one of thosessubtiltiensin which Mr. Macready, is unrivalled. No one can ,greasal so well as he a perfectly concrete phase of human nature; and it ' is■ithie talent tvisieh
. and the dilapi- is again shown in the violent agonies of tie dying 4
dated appearance of the -railing Henry -As for 1.1i- f) the 4AF,
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Wife, he is made by Mis acready coin ere asf, cora tions. Conjugal fondn*, -resolution ever caillie er but extinguished, dread Of 'broils, and conscious , all illE