r .....W / . ,,,,aalf b jt. Z IT ,iii b.„.,„;,,,, 7 1,,„ 0 ! `iiiiirEitiiililifokiiiiki 4 t *kW) .
471.alrirriCIPhig,po 4? alai weat is had as, tlie,derinindl 11 di‘ Allieti WI 1 ' ' Wififder-46 4I. I 172 - "larbtiniSfintendilas up Ito gait:m.118Y afternoisiv, ialt thrifilitStatiensbf's IS"'s foegens yas.stsSngstisan 941',1: being ism:advance ofillepon consign& Loaf ss tIffN ‘1"14.1.4if eaen'afili# 1.h. P is9SkasKifibasThSeeitocir Coilstificineola 'S1 .141' ' rdaY.;; the price, or mat pock,* cemmsenstly 5potedtladays out th iliiiiiend. Today the market hi, not siffe so firm: some Smell,
1 gains occtirred in Consols for Mine's' ht '98 'Slid '981. with the ilifideti ;
whiles prise for:Account, 'after being near y the Whole day at 974, fall in the afternoon to 964 97, and after three o'clock, the usual hour for the close of businvss, to 961 1. This decline is doubtless owing to the heaviness of the Foreign Exchanges.. Bills have been negotiated this afternoon vont Paris at three days' sight as low as 24.921,—a lower quotation than it, ever obtained since the panic in 1825. The rates upon Hamburg , and ol- land are also lower. The pride of silver remains nominally the same-61y. per ounce. Of the 2,000,000 of dollars brought by the present West Indian packets rather more than bait are in silver; the bullion has not yet arrived in London, and no sale of it has been effected. The decline in the French exchange is attributable to the large imports Of flour received from all the French ports adjacent to England, whence it can be conveved as cheaply as from Norfolk. These imports have for some time averaged from 6000 to 8000 sacks a week. Money is not more in demand than last week; and there is no alteration in the price of Exchequer Bills. The principal interest in the Foreign Market has centered in Moxienn Stock. The long-expected West Indiaa mail arrived yesterday. The intel- ligence brought by it had a very favourable effect upon Mexican Stock ; which, taking the extreme quotations, has risen about 4, per cent. The price, which on Wednesday was about 321, rose at the opening of the market yes- terday to 331, and continued to improve until today, when it reached 37. Some extensive realizations, however, then occurred; and the piioe gave way under these operations, to 35a ; the closing quotation being about 36. The proposition of the Mexican Minister with regard to the Forei,s,n Debt of the Republic, which has passed the Chamber of Deputies, but waits for the confirmation of the Senate, is to the following effect. That upon the holders of the present Five per Cent Stock consenting to a redaction of the interest thereof to three per cent, they shall receive out of the American in- demnity the sum of 2,500,000 dollars; which, with the sums .alreadyuc creed in the Bank of England, shall be accepted in full payment of all divis dends, now over-due or that may become due up to the time of the com- pletion of the conversion. The payment of the interest of the Three'per Cent Stock is to be provided for by the assignment to the Bondholders of 25 per cent of the import-duties received at the maritime and frontier cus- tomhouses ; 75 per cent upon the export-duties of the ports of the Pacific, and 5 per cent upon those of the Gulf'. It is calculated, that under this pro- posal the amount shortly receivable by the Mexicau.Bondholder, as the bo- nus to induce him to consent to the reduction of his interest from 5 to 3 per
cent, will he from 7 to 8 per cent. '
All the Other Foreign Stocks have advanced, as is usually the case when the English Funds improve ; but the superior attractions of the Mexican market have diverted the attention of speculators from them. The South American Bonds are firmer. The transactions in the Russian Four-and-a- half per Cents have been limited, at prices ranging from 1 to I above our last. The same remark will apply to the other Northern European Bonds. Spanish Stock is slightly firmer,- and a trifling advance has occurred in Per-. tuguese Bonds, without in either case the occurrence of any large transac- tions. ' Tho Share Market has been in a state' of great activity; the rise in all the most important varieties having been from 3/. to 5/. per share. Prices are not quite so high today as they were yesterday, but there are no decided signs of reaction among the Foreign Shares. Those of the Central of France (19ierzon) and Northern of France are in continued demand; the former having advanced to 161, and the latter to 15. The advices received from Paris today speak of the firmness of the Railway Market in that capital, where for the last few days the demand for Railway investments has been greater than at any period since the revolution of 1848. The traffic on the French Railways has been for some time steadily but very slowly increasing.
The opening price of Consols was 97 for Account, since which the quota- tion has fallen to 961, and is now 961 4, with but little doing. In the Foreign Market, Mexican Stock is rather lower, being quoted at 354 1, aud there is evidently a greater disposition among the speculators to bring Stock to market than was yesterday. observable. rho reported reappointment of Senor Mon to the post of Finance Minister at Madrid has given a slight impulse to Spanish Active Stock ; which is quoted at 181 },—The Share Market is firmer; the transactions recorded tire, how- ever, few, the attention of the brokers and dealers being engaged in the arrangement of their ac.counta preparatory to the settlement on Tuesday. The following are the principal bargains—Midland, 481; Reading, Gad- ford, and Reigate, 181; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, lei i; York and
Borth Midland, 231. '
SATURDAY Two o'Clocic.
The English Stock Market has been heavy, Consols for Account having been done at 961. The only transaction of importance has been a sale of some extent by a broker who acts for some of the Scotch banks. The mar-
ket, however, became firmer before the close of business; the closing price of Consols is the same as in the morning-964 a. Te Foreign Market hes been in a state of activity, and prices, with the exception of those of Mexican Stock, are higher, as will hi seen by the following record of business done—Brazilian, 871, 87; Buenos Ayres, 521 4 631 ; Milian Deferred, 631 ; Equador, 31 4 ; Greek 1824 and l8'25 ex all Coupons, 4: ; Russian Four- and-a-half per Cents, 971 1 1. been transacted being in almost ever; 'nstance in advance. There is no The Railway Shares are generallys:Ser, the prices at which business has material change in the Foreign . The following are the principal
bargains recorded—Aberdeen, 111 101; ,Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 2/ 3 ;
' Bristol and Exeter, 75 ; Caledonian, 101 a; Chester aud Holyhead, 164 17 ; Ditto Preference, 131; Eastern Counties, 61 6; Great Northern, 161 171 1; Groat Southern and Western, (IrelandS) 42 ; Great Western, 77i 1 1 ; Hull and Selby Quarter-shares, 22 1; Laneashire and Yorkshire, 574 81 ; Lon- don and Blackwell, 6a 74; London;' Brighton, and South 'Coast New Gua- ranteed 6 per Cents, 138;. London Anil- orth-western, 1271 64; Londortand Bouth-westerii, 771 619_12ss.rs12,111Sud, 4s. , Norfolk, 211; North British, 81.; Pr e1 a; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 181 1 191; Newcast s Is wic Reading Ian
9 ; 1 th
an h e, 4 23t
; York, 24; Boulogne an Amiens, ; amur and Liege, 8 74 ; Northern of France, 15 ; Orleans and Bordeaux, 2 ; Paris and Strasbourg, 94.
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