THE demand for Money this week has not exceeded the previous average, although at the Bank the inquiry has been latterly more ex- tensive than for some time past. In the open market the best bills continue to be done at 21 to I per cent., and the supply of capital appears abundant. On the Stock. Exchange, loans on Gov-aliment Securities are still obtainable at 1 per cent. or even less.
The Funds are still depressed through the difficulty with the United States, although a partial recovery has taken place from the lowest price of last Friday. The closing quotations this evening ''of Consols
were 901 for Money, and 901 to for January, showing improve-
ment of about per cent. The outrage on the Trent, and the probable consequences, continues the sole topic of discussion.
Exchequer Bills have been rather flatter, but other Government Securities have risen, especially India Five per Cents, which are now quoted 102i to 103.
Some rather heavy fluctuations have taken place in Foreign Stocks, the more speculative descriptions, such as Mexican and Turkish Six
per Cents, exhibitimg the_pnneipal changes. The latter have advanced, but the full rise has not been maintained, owing to the reported com- mercial panic at Constantinople. Mexican is also higher. Business in this department has been generally limited, and the prices quoted continue irregular.
The Railway Market has been unsettled, and has mostly varied with Consols. In the middle of the week there was a rather better feeling, but since then a tendency to relapse has been shown. Compared with last Friday, however, a slight advance has generally occurred. Midland, and Lancashire, and Yorkshire have been the stocks chiefly dealt in. Great Northern exhibits the greatest steadiness, while South-Eastern remains flat in character.
Colonial and Foreign Stocks have been firmer, particularly Indian Guaranteed. A. recovery has also in Canadian and Brazilian descriptions. American Securities are depressed_ In the Miscellaneous Market there has been an improvement in Canada Land shares. Joint-Stock Banks are rather dull, but closed this evening better than at one period. The imports of specie during the week comprise 11,0001. from the west coast of Africa, and a small sum from the Levant. The exports consist of 33,6001. in silver to Bombay, and 13,0001. in gold to Brazil.
About 40,U001. in gold was bought by the Bank to-day.