THE German Emperor concluded his visit to England on
Wednesday. We feel certain we are not exaggerating, nor are we in any way using the language of flattery, when we say that it has been a very real satisfaction to the British people to know that the Emperor has thoroughly enjoyed his visit, and what is more, has been benefited in health by the quiet and charm of the Hampshire coast. The German Emperor personally has always been popular in England, for the British people admire his gallant bearing, his patriotic devotion to his own, country, his power of work, and his intellectual 'brilliance and quickness. Like the eagle which .symbolises. the Royal house of Prussia, he will fly at any game. He is not even alarmed by the notion of choosing hats for his Imperial Consort. For example, the Daily Mail of Friday informs us that before the Kaiser left London be purchased. several hats for the Empress, "each of a very large size." "Not one hat trimmed with ostrich featlieis. did his Majesty pass 'by " ;- but we are . delighted to hear that he would buy , none embellished -with osprey plumes. To be asked to decide between the rival claims of a- dozen hats is a not uncommon experience, but one stands awestruck before the courage of a husband who buys hats in his wife's absence. Non eguidem invideo, miror magis. The Emperor's kindliness of heart has greatly -touched our people, as has his sense of humour. The courtly :salute which he accorded to the fox which crossed his..path in one of the coverts he was shooting amused the whole nation. Whenever the Emperor desires another rest-cure in England he will be welcome.